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The Enemy Inside: How to Detect Supply Chain Attack & Stop it Before It’s Too Late

Webinar – Recorded | Oct. 06, 2021

When it comes to developing new, innovative ways and tools for breaching security, the attackers never stay idle – and so shouldn’t we when it comes to counteracting! Through the past few years, their inventiveness caused substantial damage in the area of supply chain attacks. During this webinar, Paula will demonstrate techniques of using the supply chain method and show tactics used today by cyber-criminals that allow them to deliver it and what are the prevention mechanisms to avoid being attacked by the newest innovations! Bring some coffee before attending!

This Is What You Can Do To Promote Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Article | Sep. 08, 2021

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month has grown into a global effort, with both individuals and organizations taking part — and for good reason.

2020 15 Top-Paying Certifications

Article | Aug. 16, 2021

Look back at the some of the highest paying IT certifications of 2020.

Contingency Planning: How Do You Plan for Failures?

Article | July 21, 2021

Despite an organization's best efforts to prevent downtime and avoid compromises, failures will still happen from time to time. “I am convinced that there are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be,” said Robert Mueller, former FBI Director, in a statement. “Even that is merging into one category: those that have been hacked and will be again.” So, what is your organization doing about it? How do you plan for failures and security breaches?

Top 5 Common Activities that Break Company Security Policy

Article | July 16, 2021

Many employees are not as well-versed in their company’s security policy as they should be. This may result in workers performing tasks that might seem innocent or benign on the surface, but which actually put the organization at risk of a security breach. Understanding what you are doing (as an employee) or what your users are doing (as a boss or manager), can help you work toward a viable resolution to these situations. In most cases, user behavior changes as well as implementation of new technological solutions can curb exposure to risk and increase security policy compliance.

Top 5 Risky Internet Behaviors

Article | July 15, 2021

The Internet is not a safe place. We see that more than ever with the security breaches of businesses and individuals in the news on a daily basis. As Internet citizens, we need to take our protection into our own hands, as obviously most online services are not doing their best to protect us.

How to Become Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control

White Paper | July 06, 2021

Digital transformation has bred equal parts innovation and risk. And it’s not just the IT department that’s been disrupted—technology is now the most critical risk factor for the entire organization.

EC-Council Certification List

Article | June 17, 2021

This quick reference guide will highlight the various certification tracks to help you find your path through the EC-Council programs.

10 Things Security Experts Wish End Users Knew

White Paper | April 08, 2021

Security is complicated, which has led to the many misconceptions and misunderstandings about security. By paying attention to these 10 concerns that security experts want you to know, you can gain knowledge and understanding about security and be securer both at work and in your personal life.

The 5 Phases of Hacking: Gaining Access

Article | March 25, 2021

Gaining access is the most important phase of an attack in terms of potential damage, although attackers don’t always have to gain access to the system to cause damage. For instance, denial-of-service attacks can either exhaust resources or stop services from running on the target system.