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Red Hat Virtual Training Information


Please note effective August 3, 2015 all students attending Red Hat virtual classes will begin receiving e-books instead of printed textbooks. These course materials will be accessible through your Red Hat login.

  • Access will begin one week prior to the start of class.
  • E-book PDF links do not expire.
  • You will be able to access your e-book from your computer, tablet and/or mobile device.

Red Hat virtual classes may not be available outside of North America. If you are requesting a delivery outside of North America, please confirm availability before enrolling or scheduling an on-site course.

If you have not created and sent in a RHN/ login, please do so today and send your login ID to

New login IDs may be created at this site:

Please contact if you have any questions.


Access Information

To access the Red Hat virtual training session, you will login to the following site:

After you login with your rhn/ account, you may access your instructor's live presentation by clicking on "Classroom" in the red bar at the top of the page. Note: it may take up to 30 seconds for audio to begin.

If you have forgotten your password, change it here:

Please note that if you access the classroom outside of the class hours listed above, you will hear a recording stating that normal "class hours are 1 to 5 p.m. Eastern time."

To access the chat room, there is a box on the left side of the page titled "Virtual Training Tools." Simply click on "Chat room" in that box and the chat window will pop up. Note: it may take up to 30 seconds to load and connect.

To access your assigned virtual lab workstation, click on the "station" link just below the "Chat room" link in the Virtual Training Tools box mentioned above. If you need any assistance in utilizing your virtual workstation during class, your instructor will be happy to help, just ask in the chat room.

Please note that accessing the classroom prior to the start of the class hours listed above will return the message "No Enrollment Record Found." This is only a concern if you see this message on the day of your class.


System Requirements

Please note, in order to participate in class, your firewall/network must allow outbound connections to the following ports: 80, 443, 5900-6999 and 8000.

Please verify with your IT support that these ports are available on your network.

At any time you may go to this link to run tests and verify that your firewall is not blocking connections to the Red Hat Virtual Training system.

For frequently asked questions, visit here.

Virtual training works in Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7. You can download Firefox at

You can download Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 at

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 the security setting must be set at medium or lower and pop-ups must be enabled. Your web browser will also need to be Java enabled.