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To help set you up for training success, here are 4 tips to select the right instructor-led course.
Has your company implemented "reasonable security"? If so, you should be able to avoid lawsuits and fines after a breach. But what is "reasonable security," and is there a definition?
An IT certification is a recognized benchmark mapped to a specific skillset based on standardized testing. A certification demonstrates your dedication, motivation, and technical knowledge on a specific platform.
Global Knowledge subject matter experts know certification exams inside and out. They understand the study methods and test-taking techniques that pay off the most when it’s exam time. Here are 10 certification exam tips and tricks, directly from our experts and Certification Prep Guides, that will best position you for certification success.
From analyzing your data and allowing to ask natural language questions to working with and building huge data models, this version of Excel has a lot to offer. These are some of the best features that Excel has to offer. Some haven’t finished their evolution yet either.
How do you measure the experience and knowledge of an IT professional? One way is through certifications. Earning any certification is a notable achievement, though not all certifications carry the same perceived worth.
There are many career pitfalls in the IT field, especially if they are clearly outlined in an employee handbook.
Whether you are operating a home system, overseeing a small startup, or performing security governance for an enterprise, everyone can benefit from paying attention to security. This white paper provides a list of 10 security tools and tests that will help you check out suspicious issues and keep ahead of new risks and threats.
XenApp 6.5 brings a host of features and benefits that most companies will need as the technology continues to evolve and user requirements continue to expand.
Despite the obvious benefits, organizations are still struggling to successfully implement Diversity and Inclusion in the WorkPlace. This webinar discusses the benefits as well as the factors limiting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. View the slide deck>>
Diversity in the workplace means that a company employs a wide range of individuals with different characteristics. By nurturing a more accepting, diverse culture, organizations will experience a substantial positive effect on individuals and a stronger bond within teams.
Cybersecurity has become a key area of job growth in the last few years. Now more than ever, individuals with computer security skills are needed to fill jobs currently sitting vacant. All the while, new job positions come into existence every month with few qualified applicants.
The flexibility, reduced cost, and mobility of cloud computing have made the concept a hot topic. Before implementing this method of computing, however, it is important to consider the security of the "cloud." In this white paper, you will learn some of the risks and benefits of cloud computing to be sure it is the right solution for you.
The flexibility, reduced cost, and mobility of cloud computing have made the concept a hot topic. Before implementing this method of computing, however, it is important to consider the security of the "cloud." During this webinar, we will help you understand some of the risks and benefits of cloud computing so you can decide if it is the right solution for you.
Passwords aren't as secure as you think, but there are ways to improve their effectiveness against hackers' attempts to gain access.
Finding the right job may not always be that easy. For IT and cybersecurity professionals who are searching for a new job, or would just like to hang onto their current one, there are steps you can take to improve your job position. Whether you’re looking to get better at your job or advance up the ranks of your organization, these tips are aimed at you!
It is everyone’s job, not solely cybersecurity professionals, to consider how their work affects security.
Security is complicated, which has led to the many misconceptions and misunderstandings about security. By paying attention to these 10 concerns that security experts want you to know, you can gain knowledge and understanding about security and be securer both at work and in your personal life.
As the skills gap continues to impact businesses in critical areas like cloud, data science and cybersecurity, organizations seek out those professionals with reputable credentials that validate their experience and capability. In turn, these certified professionals tend to enjoy more leverage in the marketplace because they’ve earned certifications recognized as trustworthy affirmations of their skills.
The cloud revolution is truly a revolution - the way we work, learn and even play is very different now than it was just 10 or 15 years and will probably be a lot more different in 10 or 15 years. With this in mind, let's look at 10 ways the cloud will (and to a large degree already has) changed the world.
This paper reviews many key issues and focuses attention on 10 responses that we all need to adopt in our approach to security.
Many security breaches over the last year have taught us new lessons (or clarified ones we should have already learned). This paper reviews these key issues and focuses attention on 10 responses that we all need to adopt in our approach to security in 2015.
Private networks are under constant threat of attack, even when steps have been taken to "secure" them. The large volume of malicious codes, and their ability to evolve and adapt, requires security professionals and common computer/internet users alike to be mindful of their actions and constantly play defense. This white paper focuses on 10 common ways that malicious code can penetrate a network. Knowledge of these methods and the ability to recognize them are the first steps in preventing them from succeeding in harming your network.
When people talk about "the cloud" they may think it is just stuff for business, or those less educated in computer terminology may even think of the fluffy white things in the sky. In reality, the cloud is just a fancy way of accessing things stored somewhere on the Internet. It may involve interacting with others or just accessing data out there, by you or others. The cloud revolution is truly a revolution - the way we work, learn and even play is very different now than it was just 10 or 15 years ago and, as the Internet becomes more pervasive and connections get faster and faster, will probably be a lot more different in 10 or 15 years. There are several companies, such as Google and Facebook, that are looking to expand Internet access to the most remote parts of the world. Mobile phone-based Internet is available in almost every country - even very poor ones. With this in mind, let's look at 10 ways the cloud will change (and to a large degree already has changed) the world. Entertainment: Streaming Audio and Video and Storing Video Purchases in the Cloud One of the most common and visible ways that the Internet affects us is in entertainment, so let's start with how we play. We'll begin with audio. Almost 100 years ago, you got whatever a handful of broadcasters chose to put on the radio, and if you weren't listening when it was broadcast, you missed it. You might have had a few records to listen to for music, but that was about it. Records got scratched, skipped and weren't very portable. Not much changed until the 1960s with eight-track tapes, which were more portable, but by today's standards pretty large. In the '70s and '80s cassette tapes became much more popular, but you couldn't skip between songs easily and the tape would occasionally come out of the case and get wrapped around the internals of the player. Not fun! Cassettes were smaller and lighter and much more portable, but they still required a (relatively) large player, at least by today's standards. The next big revolution was the CD - much smaller and lighter than records, though a little larger than tapes. CDs could skip between tracks instantly and play in high definition. Things changed again in 2001 with the introduction of the iPod. It could hold thousands of songs and fit in the palm of your hand, and the battery would last for many hours. This was a huge improvement! Nevertheless, who has an iPod today? We stream music over the Internet from a variety of sources like iTunes Radio, AccuRadio, Rhapsody, Spotify or Google Music, to name just a few. CD collections have become a rarity as we can store all the music in the cloud. It's possible to maintain an active music library of millions of songs for less than $10 a month. Video was much the same, starting with broadcast TV in the 1930s. Reception often wasn't good, necessitating either rabbit ears on top of the TV or an unsightly antenna on the roof. You still had to be home and watching when your TV show came on. In the 1940s, those who lived where TV reception was poor began to put big antennas on a hill and then run cable to a bunch of homes - the start of the cable TV industry. In the 1980s and '90s, cable TV channels multiplied rapidly, providing ever more variety of programming to watch. Still you had to be watching when your show was on, unless you had a VCR, but even then you had to know how to program the thing as well as when and what channel a show was on. That changed in the 2000s with the advent of the DVR, enabling you to record the shows you wanted to watch, and with its integration with the Internet, the DVR would know what shows were playing when and on which channel. This was much simpler and a big game changer. Today, we watch "TV" on many devices that aren't televisions, such as tablets, phones and computers. DVDs are now stored in the cloud and can be watched from any device. Even more disruptive to the old cable TV industry is streaming movies and TV shows over the Internet using services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu, to name just a few. Video can now be watched on demand, not only when broadcast. This has led to a whole new term, "cord cutters", for those who have gotten rid of cable to watch online only and save the monthly cost of cable (now around $125 a month on average). Education Another big change is to the way we learn. In years gone by, students would go to schools - from elementary all the way through college - and sit and listen to a teacher, who had been educated in the very same way. The problem is that teachers can only effectively teach so many people in a classroom and getting to that classroom can be expensive and is out of reach for the vast majority of people on the planet. Solution? Well there are several. First is online, or distance, learning. This method is often used even by young students who are home-schooled. Many schools now require students to take at least one class online, and many get degrees entirely online, whether in college or high school. Many, many more people can be trained in this way. Khan Academy, for example, grew out of the need that a relative had for tutoring and assistance from another relative not living nearby. Today this free site provides Web-based learning on a broad range of subjects in a multitude of languages. Similarly, meetings between groups of people are held online using WebEx, GoToMeeting and other similar products, allowing project collaboration by people around the world. People can view and share documents, see each other and work from almost anywhere. Another even more common way the Internet has changed our education is e-books. From the young who like to carry around a library on their e-reader or tablet, to the old who like to change the font size as their vision declines, many people love the idea of having a range of books to read. Frequent travelers love how they can always have a book to read without the weight of lugging books around. For those who prefer to learn by watching instead of reading, TED Talks are freely available on a wide variety of topics by a diverse group of speakers and are a great way to be exposed to a broad range of ideas from the world's greatest minds. YouTube is a great way to learn how to do almost anything, from computer-related tasks to construction to car maintenance. Healthcare Medical imaging is an up and coming change to the way we receive and manage healthcare. At the moment it is having the biggest effect on doctors, hospitals and other healthcare professionals and institutions, but it will soon be affecting all of us in our everyday lives. Today, the biggest impact is electronic medical records, meaning that all of your healthcare data lives online so that other professionals who need access to it can do so without sending paper forms all over the place. You have a legal right (in the U.S. at least) to view your own medical records any time. In the early stages now but becoming more popular is the idea of telemedicine or the ability of a doctor with a webcam to diagnose your problems without an office visit. This is especially useful when it comes to those who live in remote areas and those needing specialized care that is not available locally. At the cutting edge of this technology is the ability of a doctor to remotely manage a robot performing surgeries. File Storage and Sharing Next up is online file storage and sharing. In the early days of computers, file sharing took place by sharing floppy disks, but they could only store a couple of megabytes of data at most. To solve that problem, along came Iomega Zip drives that could store 100MB. In following years other competitors would increase the size to a gigabyte or more, but still you had to carry cartridges around with you and connect a device to read the data on the cartridges. Writeable CDs and DVDs were more ubiquitous but not the most convenient, especially for synchronizing data easily. Companies had servers that could be accessed by groups of people, which made document sharing easy, but only if you were at work. Sharing files via the cloud, on the other hand, lets you access your pictures, data or whatever you wanted from anywhere on any device at any time. The idea has been around for more than half a dozen years, but it has become mainstream and widely accepted as iPhone and iPad users store their documents and photos in iCloud, Android users store photos and documents in Google's cloud, and Microsoft email and Office users use OneDrive. All of these solutions let users take their data and store it in the cloud, potentially sharing it with family, friends and coworkers. There are many services that specialize in just storing your files online and sharing them with others. Probably the most well-known is Dropbox. Files can be uploaded to the cloud, synchronized automatically across all of a user's devices and accessed from devices the user doesn't own through a Web browser. Businesses wanted and needed more control over what was in the cloud, who had access to it, and with whom the files were shared. Most of the services previously mentioned have a product that offers those capabilities. In addition, some companies specialize in business-level controls of data stored in the cloud. Examples include Syncplicity and VMware's Horizon Suite. Backup and Disaster Recovery One of the things that most people tend to neglect is creating backups, but they complain bitterly about lost files, photos, etc., when a hard drive crashes. Part of that can be solved by storing your data in the cloud, but deleting a file locally usually also deletes it in the cloud. If a virus strike occurs or files are deleted to save space on a device, it may have unintended consequences for the files stored on other devices. For those few who do backup (and the number today is less than 25 percent who back up at least monthly and only 7 percent for those who do it daily), backups were often created on other floppies, Zip drives, etc., depending on when the backups were being created. It got easier with the invention of USB hard drives that were a terabyte or larger in size, but the user still had to remember to back up files, and if a fire happened, for example, both the backup and the original data were usually in the same place and thus both lost. Companies often had similar problems, as many weren't as conscientious as they should have been in creating and maintaining backups. Many didn't back up often, and even when they did, it was often to tape, which had failures at a relatively high rate. The advantage of tape is that at least it could be stored off-site easily, though many companies didn't follow this cardinal rule. The solution to both business and personal backup is to back up to the cloud. There are many companies that offer this service, including Carbonite, CrashPlan and Norton Security with Backup to name a few. All are simple to set up: Just install an app and the computer will back up to servers hosted by the provider automatically and either continuously or on a schedule you define, such as every night or every 15 minutes when the computer is idle. These services differ in the space offered, the number of devices protected and the cost, and they offer additional options for businesses over the less expensive home user plans. Backup is good for individuals who lose a phone or even experience a catastrophe like having their home destroyed by flood or fire, but for businesses, the time it takes to restore all the data stored in the cloud may be prohibitively long; they may be out of business before everything gets restored. For them, there are options to have equipment in the cloud they can use to quickly get back online again. Companies and products that offer this kind of service include VMware's vCloud Air, HotLink DR Express, Zerto and Sungard Availability Services. Mobile Apps Mobile apps on tablets and smartphones are another good example of leveraging the cloud. Data is often stored on servers and used locally or compiled from individual devices, aggregated, and sent back out to users, such as the way Waze provides traffic information or Google Transit tells you the bus schedule and the process to get from where you are to where you want to go. Many games store information on your score, level, etc., in the cloud, and even productivity apps like Microsoft Office use the local device for the processing but store documents in the cloud. E-readers work the same way. Read on a Kindle or Kindle app and you will automatically be synchronized to the last page read on any device, making it easy to switch from device to device as you read. Any notes, highlights, etc., are automatically stored in the cloud and synchronized between devices. Many of the education apps described previously do the same thing. Social Media In the past, if you wanted to keep track of friends and their life events, you had to call them or write them. While many people still keep up with an annual Christmas card or something similar, social media changed all that for most people.Today, there are over a billion Facebook users, not to mention those who use Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and other ways to keep friends and family informed of what is happening in their lives, to share interests, etc. This category is already so ubiquitous that little more needs to be said. Internet of Things (IoT) In years gone by, when the stuff we own - cars, dryers, light bulbs and such - had a problem, we'd replace the item or take it to a specialist to diagnose and repair. That person would have expertise, much like a doctor, and would use it to try to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. Like a doctor, there was trial and error involved and sometimes it took multiple attempts to guess what the actual problem was and address it.That situation improved when computers were embedded in many of those devices, giving the repairman an error code to know what the problem was and increasing the odds of fixing it right the first time. This has greatly reduced the down time when a failure does occur, although it is still an inconvenience. Today the situation is much improved and over the next five years or so, experts estimate that many billions of devices will be connected to the Internet. This is called the Internet of Things (IoT). It is different from today where most of the things on the Internet are devices with people behind them. Moving forward, many of those devices will be things that aren't directly interfacing with people. Today, if your car breaks down and you have the appropriate service from the manufacturer, your car's computer can automatically connect with the manufacturer, have them call you and explain the issue and direct you to the nearest repair shop, or even send help to you. On some high-end appliances today and on most of them within a few years, the onboard computer is connected to the Internet and alerts the repairman to call you and schedule a visit before it even breaks. It could even use Radio Frequency ID (RFID) technology to monitor what is in the refrigerator and alert you when you are out of milk or to sense an imbalance in the washer and text you. What about more mundane devices that are not as large and expensive as appliances? Today you can buy Phillips hue light bulbs that are connected to your Wi-Fi network and allow you to change the color or brightness on demand, have timers that automatically adjust the colors or shut them off, or even use events like the phone ringing or an email arriving to change the color of the light and alert you. You could get a Nest thermostat and change the temperature in your home to a more cost-saving level while you're away, and then connect on your drive home or while at the airport to return to the temperature you like. You can buy door locks that open when they have your phone placed near them using near field communication (NFC) - the technology that Apple Pay and Google Wallet use - so you don't need to carry keys. Some hotels even use this technology today instead of giving you a room key. On a much larger, more expensive scale, the engines in modern airplanes gather thousands of statistics every minute and can relay to the ground when an issue is beginning to occur so a maintenance crew can meet the plane at the airport with the right parts, reducing the odds of a mechanical delay. Other parts of the aircraft can do the same thing and report data via satellite to ground crews. The IoT is in its infancy, but the use cases will grow exponentially over the next few years. What an exciting time! Home Security In decades gone by, if you weren't home, you didn't know what was going on there. One of the early uses of wireless communications at home was for baby monitors. With them, you no longer had to keep checking on the baby or wait until he or she cried loud enough for you to hear. Today, some of these monitors can be accessed over the Internet so you can check on your child while he or she is being cared for by an older sibling, baby sitter or nanny. As the Internet became more pervasive, alarm companies were created to monitor your home for break-ins, fires, etc., and to alert you. These companies still exist, but in many cases you can augment them or bypass them entirely with access to webcams, microphones, etc., to see what is going on inside or even outside your home. You can alert the police or fire department, check to see how a caregiver is interacting with your children, etc. You can even have evidence that can be used in a lawsuit if needed, and all of this can be accessed wherever you are in the world. It is also possible to interact with your family while away on a trip to read a story with your child or to go over homework together. E-Commerce We'll end as we began with another ubiquitous use of the Internet: e-commerce. In decades gone by, retailers would send catalogs through the mail to entice you to buy things. You could then get those things delivered to your home or go to the store and pick them up. In fact, an early use of this was in the early 1900s, when all the parts for a home would be delivered by Sears. Unfortunately, companies spent a lot of money and time mailing these catalogs to many people and caused untold numbers of trees to be converted into catalogs. It was even more difficult (and expensive) if you wanted to buy and mail a gift to someone overseas. Amazon.com was an early entrant into the field known today as e-commerce. The company would buy an inventory of books and, when an order was placed, ship books to readers anywhere in the world. Over time they have grown to sell many other types of items, including digital ones. In the early days of e-commerce, the user experience was very basic and poor because the Internet connection speeds were so slow. As connection speeds improved, so did the buying experience. In the mid-2000s, as connection speeds rose to a level that allowed much greater collaboration online, Amazon even began to rent time on servers, storage space, etc., to customers, naming the service Amazon Web Services (AWS). Other physical stores - now often called brick and mortar stores - got into the act, selling their goods online as well. Companies include virtually every major retailer today, including Sears, Wal-Mart and Best Buy, not to mention many niche players and sellers of boutique items. Now it is possible to purchase virtually anything from a local provider and have it shipped anywhere. Should I have a desire to send a gift to family or friends in Australia, I can go online to an Australian retailer and have anything I want delivered and pay inexpensive domestic shipping instead of the very expensive international shipping that was previously required. Not only has retailing gone online, but companies have been created to put digital coupons online (RetailMeNot for example) as well as to advertise and offer sale prices on local goods and services (Groupon for example). Other services let you view and rate companies online (such as Angie's List) and then sell specials from some of the companies being rated to their subscribers as a form of advertising. While many of these things are common in first-world countries, they are spreading to more and more places and providing a greater level of opportunity so that even those in remote places can understand our world, access medical and educational resources, and so on. As the Internet reaches more places at higher speeds, this transformation in the way we live, work and play will only accelerate. For example, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently defined broadband access as having a connection of at least 25 megabits per second (Mbps) downstream, up from just four in 2010. As we have higher and higher speed connections to our homes and jobs, providers are getting more and more advanced in what they can do. This journey will be an exciting one. Enjoy the ride! View our comprehensive cloud training solutions. About the Author John Hales, VCP, VCP-DT, VCAP-DCA, VCI, is a VMware, SDN and SoftLayer instructor at Global Knowledge and a lead instructor for SoftLayer training worldwide. Hales is also the author of many books, from involved technical books from Sybex to exam preparation books, to many quick reference guides from BarCharts, in addition to custom courseware for individual customers. He has various certifications, including VMware VCA-DCV, VCA-DT, VCA-Cloud, VCP, VCP-DT, VCAP-DCA, VCI and VCI Level 2; Microsoft MCSE, MCDBA and MOUS; EMC Storage Administrator (EMCSA); and CompTIA A+, Network+ and CTT+. Hales lives with his wife and children in Sunrise, Florida.
Having a breadth and depth of skills -- especially on new and emerging technologies -- can only weigh in your favor.
Security is expensive, and many organizations are struggling to balance effective defensives with a tight budget. With these suggestions, you might be able to improve or maintain your security measures without breaking the IT budget.
The Internet is not automatically a secure or safe place to be. We need to re-evaluate what it means to be secure in our online activities.
Hackers are looking for your company’s network. Unless you are offline and have no internet connectivity, the company network is discoverable.
Organizations rely on administrators to do a lot. If you’re admin reading this, you know this far too well.
XenApp 6.5 brings a host of features and benefits that most companies will need as the technology continues to evolve and user requirements continue to expand.
Some of you might just be starting out as a database administrator and need to know what a basic Transact-SQL query is for Microsoft SQL Server 2012, others might already be creating database objects. Either way, we put together a list of a few terms regarding Microsoft SQL Server that any database administrator should know.
Organizations can find significant value in adopting Agile methodologies and techniques. Agile practices can help ensure you meet customer expectations, deliver products on time, and create a motivated environment that is able to quickly adapt to change. This white paper explores 12 benefits of Agile development and management, explaining why you should consider incorporating Agile methodologies into your current standards and processes.
IT departments have multiple opportunities and challenges as a result of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) invasion. The most common opportunity is to reinforce enterprise network security from both the inside and the outside. Supporting BYOD also offers more monitoring and tracking of activities that provide a more detailed view of network traffic flow. Alternatively, it will be a challenge for some IT departments to give up control over which devices may access their enterprise network. Another challenge will be to have the users doing configurations for network access, which adds human error to a crucial part of the process. The opportunities and challenges BYOD represents are real. Enterprises must make their network infrastructure BYOD ready to meet the onslaught.
The opportunities and challenges bring your own device (BYOD) represents are real; enterprises must make their network infrastructure BYOD-ready to meet the onslaught.
No matter which IT field you're working in, there are several skills that are useful for every IT professional to know. Here, seven experienced IT professionals working in the networking, programming, project management, and security fields, share what they believe a...
Which mainstay certifications should be in your list of credentials? What's the next up-and-coming certification? This article will help you answer both questions by providing a review of the 15 top-paying certifications. I've provided a brief description of each, as well as the average salary each certification commands based on the 2016 IT Skills and Salary Survey conducted by Global Knowledge in the fall of 2015.
What were the top paying IT and project management certifications for 2016? his article will help you answer both questions by providing a review of the 15 top-paying certifications.
There are several techniques, methods, and tools that can help you reduce your security budget while maintaining or increasing your actual defenses. No security defense is perfect, and you often get what you pay for.
Here are 18 certification options, in no particular order, that are worth your effort based on site searches, feedback from subject matter experts and data in the Global Knowledge 2019 IT Skills and Salary Report.
Businesses and IT organizations have changed radically and rapidly over the last five years. Microsoft and other technology companies are driving innovation by providing products that change the way all organizations work—products like Microsoft Office 365, Skype for Business and Azure. Of course, that means the skills required to support these new IT models and products are changing too. The big challenge facing IT pros is to how stay ahead. Lifelong learners have a lot of options, so choosing how you train is more important than ever.
Data from Global Knowledge’s 2017 IT Skills & Salary Survey revealed which certifications can help you advance your IT career and earn a better paycheck. From AWS to Microsoft and Citrix, these up-and-coming certifications are in security, cloud computing, networking, and more.
Topping this year’s list is ISACA with four IT certifications, followed by AWS, Cisco and Citrix. Our 2018 IT Skills & Salary Report also shows trending areas in cybersecurity, cloud computing, and business—demonstrating what skills you need to become a more valuable and higher-paid IT professional.
Based on survey responses from the Global Knowledge 2019 IT Skills and Salary Report, the highest-paying certifications reveal a strong emphasis on particular topics, such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, networking and project management. In fact, cloud and project management dominate the top five spots.
Earning your ITIL 4 Foundation certification carries a lot of value. Armed with an understanding of the ITIL framework, you can better align IT with business objectives.
Discover three tips for managing IT certification and recertification requirements.
ITIL 4 Foundation training gives IT teams a solid foundation in ITSM best practices. Learn 3 ways to transform this knowledge into organizational success.
The question of how a project manager working in a functional or matrix organizational structure gets team members to perform is asked in almost every project management class I have taught.
Implementing business analysis (BA) in organizations needs to be done in a well-planned process. The three steps are contingent on the BA maturity of the organization, its vision for how BA will be used and the degree of executive sponsorship.
These mistakes can be resume-updating events if you are not careful. Take the time to learn the skills of a cloud architect and both your career and your employer will benefit.
Systems engineers are the women and men responsible for keeping your applications running and databases responsive, and while the cloud has removed much of their responsibilities regarding hardware, their jobs are by no means easy. Lack of attention to details is always a factor in most mistakes, but these issues stem from misperception and a lack of understanding regarding the cloud itself.
Follow these four troubleshooting tips to help you work through a challenging repair and reach a solution without much wasted time and resources.
There exists a need to properly read, deploy, and examine the results of Group Policy. By its architecture, Group Policy Deployment to the Clients or Servers can be erratic and latent, or even non-existent throughout your Enterprise Organization, frustrating Administrators who are rolling out the Group Policy to Client or Server computers. To help mitigate this behavior, I compiled these insights into a two part series from real-world examples, experiences, and fixes that have worked for me. I know that these Tips and Tricks will work for you, too.
ISACA certifications are some of the most popular and highest-paying in the Global Knowledge 2019 IT Skills and Salary Report. Eleven percent of IT professionals in the United States and Canada are ISACA-certified, and their salaries are 12% above the North American average.
Here are five data points from the 2020 IT Skills and Salary Report that illustrate important trends in professional development, skills gaps, hiring and top-paying certifications.
The debate on the value of certification is over. Certifications matter—now more than ever.
This article addresses non-technical skills you need to do to be a success in IT.
This webinar provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform courses and certifications that are currently being offered by Global Knowledge. We’ll talk about the key audiences, required steps, what the learner needs to know and review the entire portfolio. View the slide deck>
The 2018 Global Knowledge IT Skills and Salary Report has been released and you can download your copy now. We surveyed over 16,000 IT professionals around the world and asked them to provide insights into training, salaries, job satisfaction, certifications and much more. As a result, our annual report is one of the most comprehensive in the industry, while providing the clearest picture of worldwide IT departments.
IT is everywhere. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), expansion of data capabilities and storage, and broad access to wireless services have pushed IT into virtually every aspect of our lives. From appliances and televisions to tablets and smartphones, people are more connected than ever.
Organizations’ network systems are becoming increasingly more complex. With the expansion of the cloud, an increase in the number of employees working from home, growth in the number and diversity of devices being used, and new and ongoing security threats, networking professionals need to be both knowledgeable and have well-developed problem-solving skills.
The field of cybersecurity is growing, and it is no wonder. Global Knowledge’s 2020 IT Skills and Salary Report confirms the value of security experts, with those functioning in the Cybersecurity/IT Security field in the U.S. reporting an average annual wage of $153,655. Here’s an exclusive Security+ certification profile.
Pursuing at least one Citrix certification has the potential to unlock a host of benefits ranging from above average salaries to greater prestige in the workplace thanks to improved knowledge and capabilities resulting from certifications.
5G is the next-generation of mobile networks beyond the 4G LTE mobile networks existing today. The vision of 5G is becoming clearer and most experts say 5G will feature network speeds that are blazingly fast at 20 Gbps or higher and have low latency at mere milliseconds. Companies that can convince their staff to embrace what 5G is trying to do, will reap continuous deployment, incrementally adding new capabilities at the pace of a new “G” per year, but without the pain of each giant leap to convert from one G to the next. The entire 5G approach takes advantage of containers, virtualization, SDN and NFV. This webinar will introduce you to 5G features and architecture, and the supporting technologies. View the 5G Acronym Document
In this hands-on demonstration, you observe the configuration of IMS, Internet, SOS, and Admin DNN objects (Data Networks Name). These DNNs will then be assigned to several slice descriptors, showing how geography enters into slice implementation. You will then watch the slice configured on a working 5G network. View slide deck>>
Salesforce’s third annual developers conference, TrailheaDX 2018, kicked off on March 28 in San Francisco with two days full of keynote addresses, product releases, 150+ technical sessions and fireside chats with Salesforce Chairman and CEO Marc Benioff and co-founder and CTO Parker Harris. And did I mention Stevie Wonder was there, too?
Gaining access is the most important phase of an attack in terms of potential damage, although attackers don’t always have to gain access to the system to cause damage. For instance, denial-of-service attacks can either exhaust resources or stop services from running on the target system.
Behind various Google services lies the powerful Cloud AI, a neural net-based, machine learning technology that Google has perfected for use with services like image search and voice recognition. Here are five ways you could use Cloud AI to improve your business.
A Project Manager Professional (PMP) is an individual who has earned an industry-recognized project manager certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI).
VMware software and products are popular among enterprises. However, they are also highly proprietary. So, unless you have had experience with VMware products, any experience with other software can only serve as a foundation for using vSphere and other software that VMware offers.
Bad or misinformation is all over the internet. Here are six tips to ensure you’re investing your time in quality and credible resources.
Aside from plenty of laughs, the 1993 film “Groundhog Day” actually delivers powerful messages about change, love and the too-often-overlooked importance of being courteous to others. Phil is unable to break the time loop until he totally changes who he is. Unless you’re as selfish and heartless as Phil, you probably don’t require this type of transformation to break the repetition. But everyone could stand to make a few smaller changes to get the most out of life and your profession.
In this series, we are looking at six things that can trip up project managers. We’ve covered the hazards of overcommitting, how to provide feedback, the importance of taking responsibility, staying focused, and what leading from the front can actually look like. Finally, we’ll take a look at handling team input.
If your organization has upgraded to Office 2016 or Office 365, you now have access to Excel 2016. Now what? Are there any new features? The answer is yes, especially if you need business intelligence tools and new ways to present your data.
Since Google favors LinkedIn when it comes to search results, keep that in mind if you're networking or job hunting. If a potential employer considers you for a position, don't think they aren't Googling you too.
For a project manager (PM) who has served as a military officer on a battalion or higher staff, the parallels between the military decision-making process (MDMP), the orders production process, and project management doctrine prescribed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) are difficult to ignore. Both the MDMP and the processes outlined in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge—Fifth Edition (PMBOK® Guide) are iterative in nature, allow for the introduction of changes to the original plan, assign tasks and responsibilities, and involve the concept of managing the scope of the operation or project.
As it happens, this Silicon Valley effect is now being felt right across Canada. More and more of the “right people” in technology are choosing to make Montreal, Waterloo, Toronto, and Vancouver their places to grow. Let’s look at some of the reasons why.
Those who have never trained in a virtual classroom, or haven’t trained in one for years, may have some pre-conceived notions about online training – many of which are either wrong or out-of-date. To dispel any misconceptions, let’s explore eight common myths of virtual training and the truth behind each.
As an IT security leader, you understand the importance of having and following corporate policies to protect and defend your systems and the assets that they retain. You and your security team work diligently to know the latest threats, prepare for possible intrusion, and harden your network.
Cybersecurity has matured into a complex and diverse set of functions. Each of these functional specializations represent different roles requiring different knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Virtualization is a constantly evolving process, with new platforms introducing tools every day that are designed to make the process of moving to the cloud simpler.