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Why Your Company Should Have a Risk Management Program

April 22, 2014
58m 40s

Does your company have a risk management program? In this hour-long webinar, cybersecurity expert and Global Knowledge instructor David Willson will explain why you should.

In light of recent breaches at Target, Nieman Marcus, Michaels, Yahoo, and a growing list of others, we're learning that FBI Director Mueller was right when he said getting breached is not a matter of if, but when. While having a risk management program may not prevent a breach, it can certainly lower the risk of one, ensure compliance, and reduce or even eliminate your liability if a breach does occur, enabling you to recover quickly and to protect your reputation.

Beyond explaining the importance of a risk management program, David will tell you how to implement one, including conducting a basic risk assessment, policies you'll need, and training your workforce.

David Willson

David Willson, JD, LLM, CISSP, Security+, is the owner and president of Titan Info Security Group, LLC, and a retired Army JAG. While in the Army, he advised the DoD and NSA on computer network ops law, and he was the legal advisor to what is now CYBERCOM. A published author and active speaker, David is a licensed attorney in CO, NY, and CT. He is a VP of his local ISSA chapter and a member of InfraGard.


  • What risk management is
  • What a risk assessment is and how to perform one
  • Why both are important
  • What a risk management program can do for your organization
  • What to include in a risk management program
  • How to train your workforce on a risk management program