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To Certify or Not to Certify? That's the $100,000 Question

Jan. 29, 2015
54m 19s

Does an IT certification guarantee you a ticket to a $100,000 job? Not anymore! Are IT certifications a thing of the past? Not even close. But, the certification landscape is definitely changing - and it's changing rapidly. Organizations are empowered with more technology options than ever before, vendors are changing their products to address the need for cloud-based services, and open-source technology is becoming mainstream. In this hour- long session, we will review the current certification landscape and answer questions.

Andrew Ford

After spending more than 10 years in IT management, technical instructor Andrew Ford spent the next seven years educating the support departments of many of Canada's largest corporations, specializing in network management and security. He consults with Global Knowledge clients to build prescriptive learning plans that deliver the required training to ensure successful deployments of new technologies.


  • What is driving change in IT and how does it impact certifications?
  • What new certifications are emerging or changing -- and who is backing them?
  • What is changing in how certifications are acquired?