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The Human Side of Communication in the Digital Age

Oct. 15, 2014
60m 17s

Communication in our work and personal life has been dramatically transformed, not only by technology, but also by new practices and habits. At the same time, numerous studies show that communication is one of the top critical skills required to be successful. In fact, because of the way organizations and jobs are evolving, the importance of communication keeps increasing for professionals and leaders.

This hour-long complimentary webinar is not about how to maximize your LinkedIn contacts or attract more Twitter followers. Jocelyn Bérard is a psychologist specializing in human performance and will share innovative ways to influence others through communication. He will also help you raise your knowledge and awareness about your personality traits and personal characteristics, how they impact communication and how to use them effectively.
The digital age is here and you can't control it. But you can certainly improve and better use the human side of your communication.

Jocelyn Bérard

Jocelyn Bérard (M.Ps. MBA) is the Vice President of International Leadership and Business Solutions (Vice-Président Leadership et Solutions d'Affaires - Internationale) at Global Knowledge Canada and is a recognized expert and speaker in the areas of business management and human resources. His clients range from industries as diverse as telecommunications, auto manufacturing, government, health care, aerospace and banking. A specialist in talent management especially related to leadership development, succession management and selection best practices, Jocelyn has two undergraduate degrees in psychology and human resources, a master's degree in industrial and organizational psychology and an executive MBA.