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Manage Your Time and Team with Microsoft Teams

Nov. 28, 2018
55m 48s

Watch this recorded webinar to learn about Microsoft Teams. Our industry expert will show you what Microsoft Teams can do for your team and how it can help you manage your time more effectively. In this 45 minute webinar, you will see what Microsoft Teams can offer you and your organization and how you can use it.


Greg Lutes

Greg Lutes has been a technical trainer and consultant for almost 20 years. Greg has extensive experience with many types of desktop and server software and equipment. He is considered an expert in SharePoint and Office 365 technologies. His patient demeanor combined with a passion for technology and practical knowledge enable him to deliver productive and engaging learning experiences for all in attendance.

See how Teams is quickly replacing other products and why. You will see how you can create your own “Team” to work on projects and keep yourself, your team members and relevant files organized. This will help you and your team stay on track and be able to quickly and easily find the relevant information. Collaborating and keeping track of your day and tasks has become easier than ever. Let our expert show you how to simplify your day. If you have not yet started using Microsoft Teams, this is the webinar to check out to see if this is a product that could help you or your organization.

Q&A with Greg Lutes

I already have SharePoint and we are already collaborating concurrently. What benefit does Teams give me above what I already have?
I wish I could show you a video of how I'm answering this question right now. First off, it’s faster. Teams is a locally installed app, which means no refreshing or waiting for anything to refresh. More importantly, everything I need is in Teams when I'm working with other people. My files, my meetings, my conversations, all my information that I've received or collected is all here. So, when I work, I don’t have to switch applications or windows.

Can you tell us about the presence indicator and how to control it?
There’re so many features, but that’s a big one. Your initials should be in the upper right-hand corner of the Teams application. When you click it, it will give you the opportunity to change your availability. This does more than just letting people know you’re busy, it keeps people from interrupting you when you're working, meeting or presenting. When you book meetings in outlook or attend an online meeting, it will automatically change your presence.

Is Teams a cloud only solution?

How does Teams tie into task tracking within a business team - can we use this to manage daily tasks or project tasks?
Yes, there are many different add-on tabs that can help with this. One of them is Planner from Microsoft, but you can find others in the Store.

We have had some challenges with file management. Is it in DMS or Teams or OneDrive Business? How do you handle multiple file repositories?
This is a big question that everyone has. I think it's because SharePoint currently is rarely deployed fully or and maybe because of unclear processes. File management is done solely by SharePoint with the addition of certain MS Flows. SharePoint does all the document routing, tagging/metadata, data loss protection policies and file retention policies and so much more! When documents are stored in Channels they’re really stored inside a SharePoint ‘General’ folder. Now, OneDrive for business is personal. That's where you store personal ‘unofficial’ working documents. Any templates are distributed and controlled by SharePoint as ‘Content Types’.

What changes are needed in terms of the infrastructure and applications to deploy Teams?
You’ll have to fully deploy Microsoft Office 365. That means Exchange needs to more online, SQL, AD... all your servers.

I see Teams as part of my Office 365 apps, how should I start introducing it to my colleagues and setting up teams?
Lead by example. The best way to get anyone onboard, is to start from the top on down. No more attachments emailed. Create policies to determine ‘What type of communication to use when’. However, make sure that it’s a move toward eliminating email. I must tell you, it’s liberating.

Could we use Track Changes in the document so we can track multiple authors?
That part doesn’t change. If you find it too confusing to use, try using versions and the comment feature in word.

Can you create sub-teams?
No. Try to resist thinking of hierarchies. Everyone belongs to several different teams. If you’re worried about security, that’s controlled by SharePoint.

If done with a team page, can you archive it? or must you rely on the stored documents on SharePoint?
Teams is SharePoint. It took a while for my head to stop hurting when I first started to learn this one.

Everything you do in a Team Channel is basically recorded on the SharePoint site in different ways. SharePoint has site policies that you can deploy to assist in archiving any and all information in a Team Channel.

Within the file sharing section can you create folders for file management?
Yes, folders and subfolders can be created as if it was a network drive.

Is there a means to archive channels?
Yes, SharePoint has site policies that can be deployed to assist with archiving a site.

When would you use choose to use Teams over just SharePoint and vice-versa?
Teams is where you plan, chat, meet,’s where you work. SharePoint does all the big stuff for your Teams because they’re one in the same. SharePoint does the security, the workflows, data protection, re-routes documents...the list goes on. You can’t really use Teams without SharePoint and SharePoint alone doesn’t have what you need to work in today's environment.

What about if I have Office 365 but not the email part just yet. how would that work?
It won’t. You need exchange to be in the need everything to be in the cloud. No hybrid solutions.

Do your meetings in Outlook sync with Teams?
Yes! Teams, like Outlook, connect directly to your 365 Exchange server.

Since teams keeps all those chats, what about private chats? are they accessible by an admin when someone leaves the organization?
Everything you’ve ever done is captured and accessible to your administrator. As long as they don’t delete the account. You NEVER EVER delete accounts.

Any recommendations on the people change management aspect of successfully deploying Teams?
Yes. Please (on behalf of all users everywhere) plan your deployment. Plan how you’re going to manage your documents. Then create business process workflows charts explaining how the process of managing a document is going to work. Deploy SharePoint document management features, policies, DLP, tagging/metadata and security groups. This takes trial and error testing by users and isn’t something to take lightly. A ‘We’ve always done it this way’ culture doesn’t work and can’t work today in such a fast pace work environment.

Will those groups be created when the email is migrated to Office 365?
If you’re referring to your existing exchange groups, yes.


Speaker 1:         

I want to welcome you to today's webinar, Manage Your Time And team With Microsoft Teams.

Greg Lutes:        

A lot of people ask what Microsoft Teams is and how it's used and, of course, what to use it for, so let me take a bit of a step back and talk about how you currently work. Currently a lot of us depend quite a bit on email, right? This stuff. Right. Here's an email that Sarah sent me with some slides for Microsoft Teams. This is a perfect example of how a lot of us currently work, and that's actually a bit of a problem. Let me show you why. See, Sarah sends me this email here and if I have to refer back to the email, then I've got to go back to my inbox and take a look at the email, and first find Sarah's email and find the attachment. Excuse me. Then what I do is I download this thing, so Sarah has a copy, right? I download a copy of this, and now I have a copy and Sarah's got a copy, so if I make any changes to it, I've got to email this back to Sarah. 

So now I've got the original. Plus, of course, I'll save a version of it, right? So now I've got two copies. Sarah has the original, original. Right? And I give her a copy, so now she's got two copies. Already it's starting to get a little confusing, and the problem with that is that a lot of times we don't end up cleaning up these copies, so I save another copy of it. Right? Sarah makes some changes, emails it back to me, and so what do I do? I open it up and I save yet another copy. If anybody else needs this presentation, then Sarah and I have to figure out which is the good copy, which is the most recent copy, and the whole time your inbox is filling up with all these different attachments. And if anybody else needs a copy of this, again, they've got to rely on Sarah and myself as far as who's got the original copy, the good copy. 

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