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How to Optimize and Improve Your AWS Architecture

Nov. 15, 2018
52m 40s

In this one-hour webinar, AWS consultant and instructor Ryan Dymek, will discuss how to optimize your AWS architecture design.

Ryan Dymek

AWS Consultant and Instructor

Ryan Dymek has been working with cloud technologies for over 9 years. As a consultant, Ryan helps optimize environments for some of the largest fortune 500 companies in the world. Having earned all 9 AWS certifications, Ryan teaches others throughout the world the best practices and strategies to improve their architecture, doing more with less while increasing security, agility, and performance.

Organizations too often jump in to cloud expecting to see immediate efficiencies and cost savings, however this isn’t always the case. Join us to:

  • Explore common inefficient cloud architectures that impact areas, such as costs, performance and security.
  • Learn how you can investigate the underlying issue
  • Find solutions to these issues so you’re maximizing the ROI on AWS


Speaker 1:          

How to optimize and improve your AWS architecture. So, we have Ryan Dymek. He's an AWS consultant and instructor with global knowledge. Not only does he teach it, but he works in it every day, so a very great resource for us. He's been working with Cloud technologies for over nine years. As a consultant, Ryan helps optimize environments for some of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the world, having earned all nine AWS certifications, Ryan teaches others throughout the world the best practices and strategies to improve their architecture, doing more with less while increasing security, agility, and performance.

Thank you so much for being here with us, Ryan, and feel free to take it away!

Ryan Dymek:    

So, let's just go ahead and dive on in here. The topic of today's discussion is: How to optimize and improve your AWS architecture in AWS. Let me just kind of preface what we're going to walk through here, before we dive right on in. Obviously, there's a lot of different technologies you can build in AWS, a lot of different things you could work with. So, this webinar, we're going to go ahead and focus on a particular kind of ... What I like to call "low-hanging fruit" in the industry, and that would be something like a very simple web server design to show you how we might build that out, and the kinds of questions we would pose along the way, as far as how we might improve that architecture over time.

I'm going to kind of walk you through that starting point of where most people are when they first go into AWS. They're looking to build something out; they're probably going to start with infrastructure type services, just a classic web server and database kind of model. We'll go ahead and just start right with that, and then we're going to kind of improve this and optimize it as we go. What I'm going to do here is, in some cases, I will be showing you common halves that many of my customers have taken over the years, and pain points that you might encounter along the way, and ways that we can potentially avoid those pains ourselves. One thing I always like to encourage is, of course, learn from others whenever you can. Others' pain is better than our own, so a lot of this is coming from common, common problems that I see constantly from my customers in AWS.

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