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2016 Microsoft Skills: New Ways to Get Them

March 23, 2016
24m 43s

Businesses and IT organizations have changed radically and rapidly over the last five years. Microsoft and other technology companies are driving innovation by providing products that change the way all organizations work—products like Microsoft Office 365, Skype for Business and Azure. Of course, that means the skills required to support these new IT models and products are changing too.

The big challenge facing today’s IT pros is how to stay ahead. Lifelong learners have a lot of options, so choosing how you train is more important than ever.

Andrew Ford

After spending more than 10 years in IT management and technical instruction, Andrew Ford spent the next seven years educating the support departments of many of Canada's largest corporations, specializing in network management and security.

He consults with Global Knowledge clients to build prescriptive learning plans that deliver the required training to ensure successful deployments of new technologies.