Module 1 : Take your first steps with Power Automate for desktop
- Explore the console and the flow designer.
- Learn how to use the core features of the Power Automate for desktop platform.
- Create and run a flow.
Module 2 : Power Automate for desktop development essentials
- Create a flow from scratch using the flow designer
- Learn how to use actions and variables
- Understand the testing and debugging features of the flow designer
- Configure the error handling properties of individual actions
- Comprehend the use of UI elements and images
- Use subflows to compartmentalize and reuse parts of a flow
Module 3 : Build your first Power Automate for desktop flow
- Learn how to use Power Automate to create a new desktop flow.
- Record actions that are performed in a desktop-based application.
- Perform a test run of the new desktop flow.
Module 4 : Define input and output parameters in Power Automate
- Learn how to create a desktop flow with predefined inputs.
- Record actions that are performed in the Contoso invoicing desktop application by using your predefined inputs and capturing application data for output.
- Perform a test run of a new desktop flow with a new set of inputs.
Module 5 : Integrate desktop flows with Outlook connector in Power Automate for desktop
- Create a new solution to package the complete Contoso invoice processing solution.
- Create a new cloud flow that initiates the invoicing process through receipt of an email.
- Integrate a desktop flow into a cloud flow.
- Test the new cloud flow.
Module 6 : Connect a cloud flow to desktop flows in Power Automate for desktop
- Create a cloud flow.
- Configure the on-premises data gateway to enable the cloud flow to run the desktop flow on your device.
- Add the desktop flow to the new cloud flow.
- Test the new cloud flow.
Module 7 : Use AI Builder to process invoice forms in Power Automate
- Build a new AI model for form processing.
- Train the new AI model to process Contoso Invoice forms.
- Integrate the new AI model into an existing cloud flow.
- Test the updated cloud flow and associated AI Builder-based predictions.
Module 8 : Use the Teams connector in Power Automate
- Integrate a Microsoft Teams-based approval model and the associated conditional logic into an existing cloud flow.
- Integrate the desktop flow for entering the invoice information into the approval process.
- Integrate Microsoft Outlook-based approval/rejection notifications into the invoice process.
- Test the end-to-end invoice processing cloud flow.
Module 9 : Run a Power Automate for desktop flow in unattended mode
- Run a basic desktop flow in unattended mode.
- Run a desktop flow and cloud flow scenario in unattended mode.
- Learn about best practices and setup for unattended desktop flows.
Module 10 : Optimize your business process with process advisor
- Create your first recording.
- Edit recordings and group actions.
- Analyze recordings and interpret results.
Module 11 : Handle variables in Power Automate for desktop
- Create, edit, and manipulate variables.
- Examine the variables pane.
- Become familiar with various variable data types and their properties.
- Configure input and output variables.
Module 12 : Automate repetitive tasks using loops in Power Automate for desktop
- Use simple loops to perform a given number of repetitions and iterate through data
- Deploy loop conditions in order to repeat actions until a condition is met
- Iterate through the items of a list using for each loops
- Explicitly end loops when required
Module 13 : Adjust process behavior using conditional actions with Power Automate for desktop
- Use "If" conditionals
- Deploy "Switch" conditionals in order to compare a single variable with multiple possible values
- Explore additional options when evaluating conditions
- Provide default and alternative behaviors for flows based on the environment data
Module 14 : Configure flow control in Power Automate for desktop
- Learn how flow control works.
- Learn how to use the flow control group of actions to direct and manipulate the flow.
Module 15 : Generate Power Automate for desktop flows by recording
- Use the recorder to generate actions automating local Windows UI-based tasks
- Deploy the recorder to automate interactions with a web browser
- Preview and edit the automatically generated actions during and after the recording
Module 16 : Configure exception and error handling in Power Automate for desktop
- Configure the exception handling properties of individual actions.
Module 17 : Control file and folder handling in Power Automate for desktop
- Learn how to create flows that manage files and folders.
- Learn how to manage the properties of multiple files and folders.
Module 18 : Web automation in Power Automate for desktop
- Learn how to configure browser automation actions.
- Learn how to extract data from web pages.
- Create a flow that extracts gainer stocks from the MSN website.
Module 19 : Use Power Automate for desktop to interact with windows and applications
- Learn about the concept of UI elements.
- Discover the window and element-handling capabilities of Power Automate for desktop.
Module 20 : Excel automation in Power Automate for desktop
- Open Excel files and attach a process to an already opened file.
- Use the Excel group of actions to read data from and write data to an Excel file.
- Create and edit worksheets.
- Save and close Excel files.
Module 21 : Automating email handling in Power Automate for desktop
- Become familiar with the email, Outlook, and Exchange actions.
- Create a flow that retrieves, processes, and sends emails.
Module 22 : Automate system, workstation, and services actions in Power Automate for desktop
- Automate system-related tasks with the system and workstation groups of actions.
- Automate the management of Windows services with the service group of actions.
Module 23 : Communicate using message boxes in Power Automate for desktop flows
- Familiarize yourself with the various preset message box actions
Module 24 : Text manipulation in Power Automate for desktop
- Learn how to use the text group of actions.
- Create methods that help you process and edit text.
- Manipulate text type variables for input and output in actions and flows.
Module 25 : Simulate mouse and keyboard actions by using Power Automate for desktop
- Learn how to create a flow that simulates human interaction with a PC
- Learn how to automate simulated mouse movement and clicks
- Learn how to select and locate a specific image or area on the screen with the mouse
- Learn how to emulate typing or key presses
Module 26 : Combine Power Automate desktop and cloud flows
- Create a cloud flow in Power Automate that calls a Power Automate desktop flow.
- Use the values of variables from Power Automate in a Power Automate desktop flow.
- Use the resulting variables from Power Automate for desktop in Power Automate actions.
Module 27 : Database handling in Power Automate for desktop
- Compose a connection string to connect to a database.
- Use the appropriate action to run queries on a database.
Module 28 : Active Directory handling in Power Automate for desktop
- Connect to an Active Directory server.
- Manage users, groups, and objects with Active Directory actions.
Module 29 : Scripting in Power Automate for desktop
- Learn how to use scripting actions.
- Create two flows using VBScript and JavaScript.
Module 30 : OCR technologies in Power Automate for desktop
- Learn how to configure OCR actions.
- Create a flow that extracts text from images using OCR technologies.
Module 31 : Get started with custom connectors in Microsoft Power Platform
- Learn about the role of custom connectors.
- Build a connector and use it in a Power Automate flow.
Module 32 : Configure custom connectors with authenticated APIs in Microsoft Power Platform
- Learn about authentication options.
- Learn how to use APIs with Microsoft Entra ID .
- Use a graph API from a custom connector.
- Share and move between environments.
Module 33 : Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform security and governance
- Access Microsoft Power Platform admin experiences.
- Create simple environment and tenant-wide DLP policies.
- Discover and identify the differences between the Business data group and the No-business data group.
- Learn about the differences between out-of-the-box Power Automate Admin experiences and Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence toolkit.