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Training Enrollment Management

Enrollment made easy for employees and training managers

Training coordinators and learning and development managers have daily activities that can easily turn into transactional vacuums limiting their focus on the strategic elements of their jobs.

Transactional Tasks Strategic Elements
  • Manage the volume of training requests.
  • Coordinate employee enrollments.
  • Ensure pricing is in line with budgets.
  • Verify training approval processes are being followed.
  • Identify which employees and what training is needed to attain and maintain those skills.
  • Develop and build training programs that meet the needs of one or many departments.
  • Monitor training effectiveness and adapt to the results.

We know what you’re going through, which is why we are excited to announce our Global Knowledge EZ Sites enrollment management platform—a way of achieving Enrollment Zen. We seek to ease the burdens that strain the training management processes of organizations. 


Maximize utilization of training funds

By directing your employees to an EZ Site, they’re empowered to self-enroll into Global Knowledge courses and the reliance on you is lifted. Now you can focus on strategic value:

  • Providing awareness and guidance to maximizing the positive returns on training investments.
  • Communicating the benefits, importance and accessibility of training to employees.
  • How to take advantage of these benefits.


Efficiency with oversight

EZ Sites provide enrollment management tools to ensure students are adhering to internal training policies when enrolling into Global Knowledge training courses.

Using your own privately branded EZ Site, you can enforce enrollment workflows that support internal training procurement requirements and contractual purchasing agreements with Global Knowledge.

Here are some of the ways an EZ Site can be configured:

  • Private site where students can self-enroll into Global Knowledge course offerings.
  • Pricing that reflects your organizations discount agreement.
  • Re-iterate key training policy items with customizable site messaging.
  • Highlight key training topics in the course catalog.
  • Enforce approved payment options (can be discretely captured without the student’s input).
  • Apply approval workflows to submitted enrollments to render approval before finalization.
  • Capture of critical information required for organizational reporting (e.g., cost centers, departments, etc.).
  • Monitor EZ Site activity via a comprehensive searchable, exportable report.


Let’s work together to make your organization’s training enrollment easier

Give us a call at 800-268-7737 to speak with an account manager.