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Red Hat Training Cancellation Policy

Red Hat Training Cancellation Policy

The policies below apply to ALL Red Hat training and certification programs:

Cancellation/Rescheduling by participant:

Students will receive a refund only if Global Knowledge receives a notice of cancellation more than 15 full calendar days (not including the class/exam start date) before the class/exam start date.

Students may only reschedule a class/exam to a later date if Global Knowledge receives a notice of reschedule more than 15 full calendar days (not including the class/exam start date) before the class/exam start date. A student can reschedule a class/exam up to two (2) times. Additional reschedules will not be allowed. Reschedules must adhere to the reschedule policy.

If a student does not attend a scheduled session, there will be no refund or reschedule given. Payment is forfeited.

Student substitutions are allowed, but we must be notified via email to no less than 2 full business days before the start of the class (not including the class/exam start date) for Classroom deliveries and no later than 5 full business days before the start of the class (not including the class start date) for Virtual Classroom deliveries.

Red Hat Exams

Cancellation of Individual Exam Sessions is not allowed. Exam session fees are nonrefundable.