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Business to Business Training in Ontario, Canada

Important Notice Regarding Training in Ontario, Canada

If you are planning on attending a training course in Ontario, then please read the below information - If you do not plan to attend the Program in Ontario, this does not apply to you.

If you do plan to attend the Program in Ontario, please read this Notice carefully and fill in the information required below.

Ontario's residents purchasing Programs from the Global Knowledge Canadian Website (the "Website") do so on the express understanding that:

  1. Global Knowledge is not a registered Private Career College in Ontario and as such is restricted to offering Programs that are exempt from approval under Ontario's Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (the "PCCA");
  2. Global Knowledge does not provide training to individual consumers. Global Knowledge provides Programs in Ontario only by contract to third parties who pay for the individual student's or students' training. A third party could be, for example, an employer, business, government agency, or non-profit. In addition, the third party must not require the student to repay the third party the cost of the training.
  3. Global Knowledge's Programs are offered in Ontario only to third parties as outlined in the Third Party Funding and Corporate Training exemptions consistent with the PCCA. For full details about these exemptions, please see Fact Sheet #1 published by Ontario's Superintendent of Private Career Colleges, found at

Corporate and Third Party Training Exemption

  1. Global Knowledge is not required to register and obtain program approval under the PCCA in relation to its Programs because it exclusively accepts students/enrollees/trainees who are paid for by a third party which has no expectation of reimbursement of by the student/enrollee/trainee. The contract relating to the Program is also exclusively between Global Knowledge and the third party. Individual students, who would sign their own contract and pay for their own training, cannot attend and/or enroll in Global Knowledge Programs.
  2. The third party training exemption does not limit the number of students who may enroll but only the method of enrollment - exclusively by contract with a third party that pays for the Program.

Refusal to Take Consideration from Public at Large

  1. If you wish to enroll in this Program, you must confirm that a third party is seeking to enter into a contract with Global Knowledge on your behalf - or that you are an authorized representative of a third party registering a student, consistent with either of the acknowledgements below.
  • I am at least 18 years of age and understand that Global Knowledge only offers its Programs in Ontario under contract to third party-funded students as explained in this document. I am registering for the Program and the sponsoring organization will be contracting with Global Knowledge and be responsible for 100% of the Program Fee. I will not reimburse the organization for the Program.


  • I am an authorized representative of the organization listed who is entering a contract and will pay 100% of the Program Fee. The student will not reimburse the organization for the Program Fee.