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Evaluations and Certificates

Student Evaluations

Student feedback enables us to refine instructional approaches, improve course design and enhance our learning environment.

  • On the last day of class, please check your account email for a message from The email contains a link to a student evaluation on the Metrics That Matter website. If your course is delivered through MyGK, simply launch your survey through the evaluation tile located inside the class page. You have up to 10 days to complete the evaluation.
  • After completing your evaluation, click SUBMIT once and wait for the Thank You confirmation to appear. It may take a few seconds for the completion screen to appear.
  • If you do not receive your evaluation link email, check your spam folder. Contact 1-800-268-7737 or for assistance.
  • You may take the evaluation anonymously; however, we encourage you to include your contact information so that we may reach you for additional information as part of our quality assurance program. 

Course Completion Certificates

For most courses, you will receive an email from Global Knowledge one week after class ends with instructions to claim your Global Knowledge-issued certificate of completion. If your course is delivered through MyGK, your certificate may generate in the Resources tile on the MyGK home page.

To receive a copy of your course completion certificate, navigate to the Course History tile on the MyGK home page. Access to your MyGK account is provided in the “Important Course Access Details” confirmation email sent when you register for class.

Cisco requires you to complete a course evaluation before you can receive a certificate of course completion. Upon submitting your evaluation and within five business days after class ends, your attendance will be verified and you will receive an email with a PDF of your Cisco course completion certificate. This is the only opportunity to retrieve this official Cisco document.