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ServiceNow Scripting in ServiceNow Fundamentals

Attend Scripting in ServiceNow Fundamentals to learn how to use the ServiceNow JavaScript API. Take advantage of the extensibility of ServiceNow by adding new functionality or modifying the baseline behavior of an instance. This class begins with client-side scripting and transitions to server-side scripting. Attendees write, test and debug scripts using real-world, relevant lab exercises. The class features lecture and discussion as well as extensive hands-on practice and reinforcement of the lectures, delivered in a wide variety of lab activities.

During this interactive training course, attendees perform scripting functions in their own class instance. This provides an opportunity to practice and become comfortable with both client-side and server-side scripting.

Virtual Learning

This interactive training can be taken from any location, your office or home and is delivered by a trainer. This training does not have any delegates in the class with the instructor, since all delegates are virtually connected. Virtual delegates do not travel to this course, Global Knowledge will send you all the information needed before the start of the course and you can test the logins.


  • Classe inter à distance

    Depuis n'importe quelle salle équipée d'une connexion internet, rejoignez la classe de formation délivrée en inter-entreprises.

  • E-Learning

    Pour cette formation, il existe aussi un produit d’auto-formation en ligne. Nous consulter.

  • Classe inter en présentiel

    Formation délivrée en inter-entreprises. Cette méthode d'apprentissage permet l'interactivité entre le formateur et les participants en classe.

5 Formations trouvées

    EUR2 540,00

    • Modalité Classe inter à distance
    • Date 17-19 juillet, 2024
    • Langue: Anglais

    EUR2 540,00

    EUR2 540,00

    EUR2 540,00

    • Modalité Classe inter à distance
    • Date 16-18 septembre, 2024
    • Langue: Anglais

    EUR2 540,00

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