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Delivering Results through High-Impact Leadership

May 17, 2016
55m 27s

Leadership is evolving beyond traditional leadership skills, and it has never been so important. In an era of constant change, digital disruption, increased employee expectations and rising business complexity, today’s leaders require more than the fundamentals. 

In years past, leadership development focused on helping leaders set performance expectations, communicate effectively, provide feedback, coach and motivate their employees. While these skills remain important, they are no longer sufficient to meet the business requirements of the 21st century.

Leaders now require skills and competencies to ensure that they also build highly productive teams, accelerate organizational results and transform customer experiences in a fast-paced, highly competitive and global working environment.

In this hour-long webinar, leadership consultant Kim Caughlin will reveal and discuss the new high-demand skills and competencies required to lead effectively in the 21st century. 

Kim Caughlin

Kim Caughlin is a facilitator and consultant for leadership and business solutions for Global Knowledge Canada. A learning and development professional with more than 15 years of experience, Caughlin helps organizations solve business problems in a pragmatic, practical and engaging way. Her energy, enthusiasm and expertise are sought after in all sectors—public, private and nonprofit—and at all levels, from senior executives to front-line employees.