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RHCVA – Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator

RedHat Training

With the Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RHCVA™) certification, Red Hat extends its industry-leading certification program to the virtualization administrator. The RHCVA exam continues the Red Hat tradition of benchmarking the skills of IT professionals through hands-on skills assessments.

Virtualization helps users make the most out of their IT environments by allowing a single server to run multiple servers or desktop operating systems. The RHCVA certification assures system administrators have the right skills and knowledge to successfully manage these virtual solutions.

If you are a system administrator in a data center, a technical professional designing virtual environments, or a virtualization administrator migrating to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, RHCVA certification is for you. Preparing for and passing the RHCVA exam gives you, your company, and your customers the confidence to know you will maximize the performance of your virtual environment.

About the RHCVA Exam

To earn the RHCVA certification, students must demonstrate the skills required to be a successful virtualization administrator through a hands-on, half-day exam (EX318). Red Hat recommends that participants augment their skills and build on their expertise by attending the RH318 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization training course. You'll learn the skills you need through hands-on labs and deep dives into the technology balanced with concept-based lectures.