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The Packet Delivery Process: Remotely Connected Hosts

Sep. 09, 2014
Alan Thomas


Moving data from one networked device to another requires several different functions. Each function has its own protocol or protocols that define how it is accomplished. Also, the process of delivering data from one device to another can vary. The main factor in data delivery is determining whether the two devices are directly connected or remotely connected.



Moving data from one networked device to another requires several different functions. Each function has its own protocol or protocols that define how it is accomplished. Also, the process of delivering data from one device to another can vary. The main factor in data delivery is determining whether the two devices are directly connected or remotely connected.

This paper is focused on the packet delivery process when two devices are remotely connected. Definitions are first, followed by a detailed look at the actual process of exchanging data.


Before looking at the actual process of delivering data from one computer to another, a few terms need to be defined:


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