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What Are Common Mistakes in Cloud Security?

Jan. 15, 2021
43m 38s

Cloud and virtualization technologies have spawned a whole ecosystem of applications. But like any powerful technology, they can be used for bad as well as good. This session reviews the top 10 most common mistakes made in cloud and virtualization security.

Dave Buster

Dave Buster is an industry veteran with over 35 years of experience in design and product management of technology solutions. Dave spent over 13 years with Cisco systems in product management and technology planning, rising to the level of Director of Product Management in the Global Government Solutions Group. While there, he spent several years supporting federal government agencies with data security architectures. Later, Dave worked in Smart Grid, storage, and financial industries as a Security Architect. Now with Global Knowledge, Dave manages a worldwide portfolio of cybersecurity courses.

Dave has a B.S. in Engineering and an M.B.A. from North Carolina State University. He holds the Security+ and CISSP certifications, and is an amateur radio operator (KK4ELT). He plays trombone and guitar… but not at the same time. Dave also holds a patent on satellite communications architecture.

Cloud and virtualization technologies have spawned a whole ecosystem of applications. But like any powerful technology, they can be used for bad as well as good. This session reviews the top 10 most common mistakes made in cloud and virtualization security.

This webinar will answer the following common Cloud security questions:

• Why do people think clouds are secure?
• What are the most common threats to cloud instances?
• What is cloudjacking?
• What are the top 10 security mistakes people make with cloud and virtualization?
• What are the recommended solutions and best practices?