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Project Managers are Makers; Change Managers are Shakers!

May 28, 2015
57m 35s

Change managers and project managers come at the same goal of maximizing ROI for their organizations, but from different perspectives and approaches and with different skill sets.

While project managers are responsible for achieving specific objectives on time and on budget, the change manager's role is broader. Change managers apply a structured approach to helping individuals, teams and organizations negotiate relentless change. A project manager turns ideas into reality. Increasingly, project managers are required to take on the role of change manager as well. Business today can't afford to carry out tasks without considering the larger picture. Today, integration is unavoidable - and expected.

In this hour-long interactive session, we'll discuss the similarities and differences between project management and change management. We'll also identify the occasions when both a project manager and a change manager might be needed.

Gail Severini and Alexander Stanisic

For more than 20 years, Gail Severini has partnered with business leaders executing strategy. She has led teams launching products/services/startups, business model innovation, customer centricity, operational excellence and health care reform (U.S.). Severini also works with organizations to build transformation capability. This includes mindsets, structures, processes, methodologies and skills. Recognized worldwide for her expertise in change management, Severini publishes regularly on her blog, Change Whisperer, and speaks often on strategy execution and change leadership.

Alexander Stanisic is a seasoned business professional with 13+ years of experience delivering best practice-based strategic execution solutions within both public and private sectors. He brings a wealth of hands-on experience and knowledge and understanding of how strategic execution really works in organizations and its application for real value and results.
Stanisic is currently teaching more than 12 university-accredited business courses for Global Knowledge in association with McMaster University in Canada, and he provides expertise through consulting engagements.