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Developing Effective IT Learning Processes

Oct. 16, 2013
58m 59s

Business is changing rapidly and Information Technology is at the centre of the trends: mobile, social, cloud and big data,. Forward thinking IT functions must develop and manage the skills of their most critical asset-- their employees. Effective professional development can guard against the pace of change, leading IT units to re-define job roles to include both technical and non-technical competencies and to establish business processes to help their staff develop and maintain these skills. This session will present the components of a holistic process to support learning and development in any IT organization.

Tom Gram

Tom manages the Learning Services team at Global Knowledge. He has over 25 years designing and managing training, e-learning and performance support. Early experiences designing learning for process redesign initiatives caused him to rethink formal learning and look for ways to build learning into workflow and job contexts using technology, social media and other means. Tom has an M.A. in Educational Technology and is a Certified Training and Development Professional (CTDP) and Certified Management Consultant (CMC).


The session will include a discussion of each element and how to implement the process in your organization.

  • Developing competency standards for IT professionals
  • Assessing current skills against desired skills to identify gaps
  • Defining and structuring a relevant curriculum of formal and informal learning resources
  • Developing roles-based learning paths
  • Systems for automating learning process administration