Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT + Preguntas, Respuestas y Explicaciones (QAE)
- Código del Curso CGEIT
- Duración 3 días
Otros Métodos de Impartición
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Este curso está disponible en los siguientes formatos:
Clase de calendario
Aprendizaje tradicional en el aula
Aprendizaje Virtual
Aprendizaje virtual
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Parte superiorCGEIT recognizes a wide range of professionals for their knowledge and application of enterprise IT governance principles and practices. As a CGEIT certified professional, you demonstrate that you are capable of bringing IT governance into an organization—that you grasp the complex subject holistically, and therefore, enhance value to the enterprise.
When an enterprise employs a CGEIT, they ensure good governance, which provides for an environment of no or few “surprises” and the ability to have an agile response to any that arise. CGEIT is considered by many companies and governmental agencies as a prerequisite for employees involved with enterprise IT governance.
For the professional, CGEIT provides:
- A global and prestigious, lifelong symbol of knowledge and expertise.
- Competitive advantage that will distinguish you from your peers.
- Higher earnings and greater career growth.
- The benefits of becoming part of an elite peer network.
- The ability to leverage the tools and resources of a global community of industry experts.
CGEIT enhances credibility, influence and recognition. CGEIT combines the achievement of passing a comprehensive exam with recognition of work, management and educational experience, providing greater recognition in the marketplace and influence at the executive level.
Why employers hire CGEIT's:
- The employee has the knowledge and experience necessary to support and advance the IT governance of an enterprise.
- The employee maintains ongoing professional development necessary for successful on-the-job performance.
- The enterprise’s IT and business systems operate with greater efficiencies and optimum effectiveness resulting in greater trust in, and value from, information systems.
CGEIT demonstrates proven expertise. Boards and executive management expect IT to deliver business value. IT governance is a key component of enterprise governance and success. A CGEIT designation demonstrates that you have proven experience and knowledge in the governance of enterprise IT.
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) : 31
Parte superior-
- Método de Impartición: Aprendizaje Virtual
25-27 septiembre, 2024
Evento Garantizado
- Sede: Aula Virtual
- Idioma: Inglés
- Método de Impartición: Aprendizaje Virtual
- Fecha: 18-20 diciembre, 2024
- Sede: Aula Virtual
- Idioma: Inglés
- Método de Impartición: Aprendizaje Virtual
- Fecha: 17-19 marzo, 2025
- Sede: Aula Virtual
- Idioma: Inglés
Dirigido a
Parte superiorThe CGEIT certification was specifically developed for IT and business professionals who have significant management, advisory, or assurance roles relating to the governance of enterprise IT, including:
- IS/IT Directors
- IS/IT Managers
- IS/IT Consultants
- IT Governance Professionals
- IS/IT Executives
Objetivos del Curso
Parte superiorCGEIT provides you the credibility to discuss critical issues around governance and strategic alignment, and the traction to consider a move to the C-suite, if you aren't already there.
ISACA's Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT®) certification instantly validates your knowledge, skills and expertise with enterprise IT governance. It proves you can discuss critical issues around enterprise governance and align IT with strategic enterprise goals. That's why hiring managers and clients look for it and many businesses and government agencies require it.
Parte superiorSome of the focus areas include:
- Frameworks for the governance of enterprise IT.
- Strategic management.
- Benefits realization.
- Risk optimization.
- Resource optimization.
CGEIT empowers you to handle the governance of an entire organization and consider a move to the C-suite, if you aren't already there. That's why the ranks of CGEIT holders around the world are filled with CEOs, CIOs, CISOs, IT directors, security directors and more.
Certificación de Prueba
Parte superiorThe exam will cover:
- Framework for the Governance of Enterprise IT (25%)
- Strategic Management (20%)
- Benefits Realization (16%)
- Risk Optimization (24%)
- Resource Optimization (15%)
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