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AWS Discovery Day: Generative AI Essentials for Technical and Business Decision Makers

  • Código del Curso GKAWS-GAE
  • Duración 1 Día

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    Aprendizaje tradicional en el aula

  • Aprendizaje Virtual

    Aprendizaje virtual

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Gain an understanding of Generative AI and how it can address concerns and challenges, and supports business growth. Learn the steps for planning a generative AI project and the key considerations for building a generative AI-ready organization.


Parte superior

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Parte superior
Business decision makers

Objetivos del Curso

Parte superior

In this session, you will learn to:

  • Describe the basics of generative AI and use cases
  • Describe importance of generative AI
  • Identify the risks and benefits of generative AI
  • Describe how to plan a generative AI project
  • Describe how to build a generative AI-read organization

Siguientes Cursos Recomendados

Parte superior
Developing Generative AI Applications on AI
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