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Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer

  • Course Code JAVA2
  • Duration 5 days

Course Delivery

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  • GTC 29 inc. VAT

    GTC, Global Knowledge Training Credit, please contact Global Knowledge for more details

Public Classroom Price


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Course Delivery

This course is available in the following formats:

  • Company Event

    Event at company

  • Public Classroom

    Traditional Classroom Learning

  • Virtual Learning

    Learning that is virtual

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Course Overview


Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Course Overview.

Modern Java code extends well beyond object orientation and the associated principles. This hands-on course,delivered using Java 17,endeavours to provide a grounding in advanced topics including generics,functional programming,concurrency,annotations,reflection,and security (among others).

This course assumes you are familiar with the fundamentals of the Java language including object oriented principles,and that you can build simple applications. If not,you should consider our Java Programming 1 / Java Developer course instead.

Similarly,the course is targeted to closely follow the official Oracle Java curriculum for certification.

Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.

Course Schedule


Target Audience


Who will the Course Benefit?

The Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer course is aimed at existing Java developers who are seeking to build on their knowledge of the fundamentals so as to make full use of the language's advanced features.

Course Objectives


Course Objectives

This course aims to provide the delegate with the skills needed to build and/or maintain Java applications that exploit advanced features. It also serves as good preparation for developers seeking to contribute to enterprise level applications built with Java EE/Jakarta EE/Spring or similar.

Course Content


Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Training Course

Course Contents - DAY 1

Course Introduction

  • Administration and Course Materials
  • Course Structure and Agenda
  • Delegate and Trainer Introductions

Session 1: GENERICS

  • Generic types
  • Generic methods
  • Bounded type parameters
  • Generics and inheritance
  • Type inference
  • Wildcards
  • Type erasure
  • Restrictions


  • The Collection interface hierarchy
  • Iterable and Iterator
  • Collection operations and traversal
  • The Collections class
  • Collection types (characteristics and implementations) incl. List,Set and Queue
  • The Map interface hierarchy
  • Map operations and traversal
  • Map types (characteristics and implementations)

Session 3: hashCode,equals & compareTo/compare

  • The Object class
  • Overriding toString
  • Equality and membership testing
  • Hashing collections
  • Overriding hashCode and equals
  • The Comparable and Comparator interfaces
  • Searching and sorting
  • Overriding compareTo and compare

Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Training Course

Course Contents - DAY 2


  • Static nested classes
  • Inner classes
  • Shadowing
  • Local classes
  • Anonymous classes
  • Variable capture and effectively final


  • What is a lambda expression?
  • Lambda use case: collection filter
  • Lambda syntax
  • What is a method reference?
  • Method reference use case: collection sort
  • Method reference types x 4


  • What is functional programming?
  • Functions as first class objects
  • Pure functions
  • Higher order functions
  • Immutable objects
  • Java's functional interfaces
  • Functional composition

Session 7: STREAMS

  • What is a stream?
  • Obtaining/creating a stream
  • Intermediate (non-terminal) operations
  • Terminal operations
  • The Optional class
  • The Collectors class
  • Stream concatenation
  • Primitive streams

Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Training Course

Course Contents - DAY 3


  • Exceptions (a review)
  • Custom exceptions
  • Try with resources
  • Assertions
  • Dates and times
  • Internationalisation and localisation
  • Resource bundles


  • Modules (a review)
  • Module types
  • Analysing dependencies
  • Migrating an existing application
  • Creating a service


  • Low-level threading incl. Runnable,sleep,join
  • The Java memory model
  • Threading problems incl. race conditions,deadlock,and starvation
  • Immutable objects and ThreadLocal
  • Thread synchronization incl. volatile,synchronized,atomic data types,and locks

Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Training Course

Course Contents - DAY 4

Session 10 (Continued): CONCURRENCY

  • ExecutorService,thread pools,Callable,and Future
  • Concurrent and immutable collections
  • Parallel streams

Session 11: I/O

  • Files and directories
  • I/O streams
  • Common operations
  • Binary data,character data,and serialisation
  • Console I/O

Session 12: NIO.2

  • What is NIO?
  • Paths
  • Manipulating the filesystem
  • File attributes
  • Listing,traversing,and searching a directory

Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Training Course

Course Contents - DAY 5


  • What is an annotation?
  • Form and application
  • Standard annotations
  • Declaring an annotation

Session 14: REFLECTION

  • What is reflection?
  • Modules,classes,constructors,fields,and methods
  • Private members
  • Annotations
  • Generics and arrays
  • Dynamic proxies
  • Dynamic class loading

Session 15: SECURITY

  • Securing objects
  • Injection and input validation
  • Handling confidential information
  • Serialising and deserialising objects
  • Sensitive objects
  • Preventing denial of service attacks

Course Prerequisites



Delegates attending this course should be familiar with the fundamentals of the Java language including object oriented principles,and should be able to build simple applications. This knowledge can be obtained by attendance on the pre-requisite Java Programming 1 / Java Developer course.

Follow on Courses


Further Learning

  • Developing Applications with Java EE
  • Unit Testing with JUnit
  • Core Spring (4 day)
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