Understanding Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Foundations
- Código del Curso CCEF
- Duración 1 Día
- Versión 1.0
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- CLC 10
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Aprendizaje tradicional en el aula
Aprendizaje Virtual
Aprendizaje virtual
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Parte superiorThe Understanding Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Foundations (CCEF) course gives you an overview of the Cisco® Packaged Contact Center Enterprise (PCCE) and Unified Contact Center Enterprise solutions. You will gain an understanding of contact center basics and describe the available Cisco contact center solutions and intended target customers. You will also focus on the Cisco Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) family of products and explore key features and functionality of the solution including architecture, major system components, and tools used for administration and reporting. This course is the foundation for additional courses required to deploy, configure, support, and troubleshoot Cisco CCE solutions.
Parte superiorDirigido a
Parte superiorAnyone requiring an understanding of the Cisco Contact Center Enterprise solution
Objetivos del Curso
Parte superiorAfter completing this course, you should be able to:
- Provide a high-level overview of the Cisco Contact Center portfolio
- List the key components within the Packaged Contact Center Enterprise (PCCE) architecture and their functions
- Describe how calls flow through PCCE using appropriate terms and naming conventions
- Introduce the tools used in the configuration, scripting, reporting and support of a PCCE deployment
- Identify advanced features available within the PCCE solution
Parte superiorIntroduction to CCE
Cisco Contact Center Basics
Cisco Contact Center Fundamentals
Functionality of PCCE Components
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Voice Gateways
Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE)
Terms and Naming Conventions Used in CCE
CCE Access Environment
CCE Routing Configuration
Access Tools Available in CCE
Single Pane of Glass (SPOG)
Cisco Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) Configuration Manager
Discovering CCE Features Beyond Default
Agent Management
Agent Efficiency
- This class does not have any labs.
Parte superiorAttendees should meet the following prerequisites:
- Basic knowledge of networking (Windows Active Directory, SQL) and components (servers, routers, switch) is helpful but not required
- Working knowledge of Unified Communications Manager and Voice Gateways
- Basic understanding of IP networks
Certificación de Prueba
Parte superiorRecommended as preparation for the following exams:
Siguientes Cursos Recomendados
Parte superiorProductos Relacionados
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- Understanding Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Foundations
- Contact Center
- CCEF|Undersatnding Cisco Contact Center Enterprise Foundations|Cisco UCCE Training|
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