Future of Technology in Healthcare | Skillsoft’s Global Knowledge Skip to main Content

Adaptive and value-focussed – the future of technology in healthcare

Barry Corless

The National Health Service (NHS) has always been committed to universal healthcare, irrespective of age, health, race, social status, or ability to pay.  Those values have not changed since its inception in 1948, but the world has. The whole of the healthcare sector and in particular the NHS must adapt to take advantage of exponential technology change.  Today that change manifests itself in digital transformation.  Successful technology can turn an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan but poor execution can leave you with a very expensive, very fast ugly duckling. It’s a problem that NHS Digital Academy CEO, Rachel Dunscombe, is only too aware of. “Technology is the only option for the NHS to make significant gains in productivity and safety,” she says.  “All other avenues will give marginal gains but not the major impact on our health and care system needs.”

Over the years, healthcare has seen as wide a divide between ‘IT’ and ‘the business’ as any vertical you care to name. Evidence from healthcare organisations often points to a lack of appreciation of each other’s issues at all levels so the solution needs to be top down.  Whether by Government-imposed constraints or lack of knowledge, the failure to leverage talent from outside the sector has led to many good ideas falling on stony ground and consequently failing to blossom.  It’s that very reason that the NHS Digital Academy was born.  The NHS Digital Academy is a virtual organisation set up to develop a new generation of healthcare digital leaders who can drive the information and technology transformation of the NHS.  The NHS Digital Academy, through a partnership with Imperial College London, the University of Edinburgh, and Harvard Medical School, provides a year-long fully accredited learning programme (Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Health Leadership) for digital change leaders.

Dunscombe is keen to link the success of technology with those driving change: “Leadership is essential in this space as digital is the platform for reimagining how we deliver health and removing geographical constraints and changing the skills mixes we need. This journey needs people who can tell the story of how we will revolutionise the way we work. This will have an impact for almost all the NHS workforce and so strong leadership who can build trust and seek win-win situations are essential to the momentum. Traditionally in healthcare, the gap between technology and delivery has been wide – the best leaders are now bridging this gap – getting everyone pulling on the same end of the rope for positive change.”

To futureproof itself our healthcare sector needs to move away from just throwing technology at problems and hoping for the best.  It needs to be supported by cultural change to embrace the potential of AI, Cloud and digital whilst retaining focus on patient outcomes.  Healthcare could learn much from practices such as DevOps, Agile and ITIL 4 where the co-creation of value through collaboration of all stakeholders is at the heart of what is delivered.  That means leveraging the best solution through collaboration between patients, healthcare technology organisations and clinicians.  It is encouraging to note that a significant percentage of the NHS Digital Academy cohorts 1 and 2 are from clinical and non-IT backgrounds.  The CIO of the future must not be blinded by the dazzle of new technology, but rather apply technology solutions to healthcare in ways that co-create value for all stakeholders.

Source: Compare the Cloud – read full article. 

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Barry Corless

Global Product Director for DevOps and IT Service Management

As a Global Product Director for leading IT and business skills training specialist Global Knowledge, Barry Corless is responsible for helping organisations enhance organisational capability through application of best practice frameworks.  His role incorporates the development and delivery of service management, DevOps, programme and project management, enterprise architecture and business analysis learning and development solutions.  An experienced consultant and IT specialist, Barry undertook additional voluntary roles Director of itSMF International from 2017-2019, and Chair of itSMF UK from 2009-2011.  

An industry champion for ITIL, Barry credits its common-sense approach to endemic IT issues as the reason for his long-term track record with this international service management practice.  He has trained and consulted on ITIL in over 20 countries. Barry continues to act as an ITIL examiner and has been part of the author team that inputs into the ever-adapting ITIL guidelines.  

Barry’s attraction to analytical problem solving began early and his first ambition was to be a weather man.  He became an Assistant Scientific Officer for The Meteorological Office after leaving school in Cheshire.  Barry recognises that passion for the topic is a key attribute for success as a trainer, as well as the ability to bring a subject to life.  He thinks open-mindedness is vital.  “Lifelong learning has taught me that we all have to prepare to unlearn what we previously accepted as best practice,” he says. 

Having spent over 20 years training he has seen many changes in an industry that has embraced virtual classroom and digital learning.  He advocates the teaching of project management and service management skills early.  “In an economy that is 80% service based, we should be teaching these key management skills in schools,” he says.   

As Best Practice department head, Barry enjoys the variety that his role brings him, and he continues to work with consultancy and education clients to ‘keep it real’.  Barry’s ability to identify with learners makes him a sought-after trainer and his passion and detailed understanding of ITIL meant that Global Knowledge was able to develop the world’s first bridging course for professionals going from ITIL v3 to ITIL 4.  Global Knowledge remains the world’s leading provider of ITIL certification and exams.  

A popular commentator on ITIL and a frequent blogger, Barry doesn’t like to think of himself as ‘one track minded’.  “ITIL skills are transferable outside the IT hinterland and lesson learned in other environments should be used in optimising technology solutions” he promises.  “ITIL4 is more focussed on people, agility and collaboration.  With the pressure on IT teams to provide a lightning-fast route to market, it’s vital that all stakeholders across an organisation and throughout the supply chain are working well together.”  

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