Training | Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions - Self Study Elements and Exam Prep | Global Knowledge Skip to main Content

Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions - Self Study Elements and Exam Prep

  • Course Code CCNA-EXTRA
  • Duration 2 days
  • Version 1.0

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Course Delivery

This course is available in the following formats:

  • Class Connect HD

    Connect to a class in HD

  • Company Event

    Event at company

  • Public Classroom

    Traditional Classroom Learning

  • Virtual Learning

    Learning that is virtual

Request this course in a different delivery format.

Course Overview



Deze Cisco CCNA Extra cursus is bedoeld voor cursisten die de CCNA cursus al gevolgd hebben, en nu meer verdieping en begeleiding willen richting het examen. Ook komen de zelfstudie onderwerpen van de CCNA cursus in deze training aan de orde waardoor zelfstudie tot een minimum wordt gereduceerd.

Deze 2-daagse training kan worden gevolgd in plaats van zelf het zelfstudie materiaal van de CCNA training door te hoeven nemen. Bovendien word je in deze training goed voorbereid op het CCNA examen (200-301).



This Cisco CCNA Extra course is meant for students who have already followed the CCNA course and now want more in-depth training and guidance towards the exam. The self-study topics of the CCNA course are also covered in this training, so self-study is reduced to a minimum.

This 2-day training can be followed instead of studying the self-study material of the CCNA training yourself. This training is also a good preperarion for the CCNA exam (200-301).

Course Schedule

    • Delivery Format: Virtual Learning
    • Date: 03-04 February, 2025
    • Location: Virtual
    • Language: Dutch


    • Delivery Format: Virtual Learning
    • Date: 06-07 May, 2025
    • Location: Virtual
    • Language: Dutch


    • Delivery Format: Virtual Learning
    • Date: 21-22 August, 2025
    • Location: Virtual
    • Language: Dutch


    • Delivery Format: Virtual Learning
    • Date: 20-21 October, 2025
    • Location: Virtual
    • Language: Dutch


Target Audience



Iedereen die een carrière in Networking wil starten of de Cisco CCNA-certificering wil behalen en zich hierbij graag optimaal willen voorbereiden op het CCNA examen, waarbij het zelfstudie-gedeelte van de CCNA training klassikaal wordt behandeld.



Anyone who wants to start a career in Networking or obtain the Cisco CCNA certification and would like to prepare optimally for the CCNA exam, whereby the self-study of the CCNA training will be done in the classroom.


Course Objectives



Deze training helpt je de CCNA certificering optimaal voor te bereiden en de zelfstudie onderdelen van de CCNA training tot een minimum te beperken.



This course will help you to optimally prepare for the CCNA certification and to minimise the self-study parts of the CCNA training.

Course Content


The topics of de self-study part of the CCNA training, including:

  • Building Redundant Switched Topologies
  • Exploring layer 3 Redundancy
  • Introducing Wan Technologies
  • Introducing QOS
  • Explaining Wireless Fundamentals
  • Introducing Architectures and Virtualization
  • Examining Security Threat Landscape
  • Implementing Threat Defense Technologies       

You will also be trained for the CCNA certification exam.     

Course Prerequisites



Deze training dient te worden geboekt in combinatie met de training 'Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA)'



This course must be booked in conjunction with the 'Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA)' course.

Recommended prerequisites:
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