How to give an impactful online presentation? | Skillsoft’s Global Knowledge Skip to main Content

How to give an impactful online presentation?

Global Knowledge
  • Date: 24 August, 2021

If you ever had to give an online presentation towards the end of the day, you know how difficult a task it is. Bored faces, yawning colleagues, audience who are visibly busy with something else, dead silence during Q&A—you’re likely to face all the elements of a nightmare for a presenter. How do you turn this around? How can you give a presentation that grabs attention? Read this article for some handy tips.

  1. Ask questions

    You probably learned in high school that you shouldn't say "Any questions?" until the end of your presentation. But today, we're going against that advice. Ask questions throughout your presentation, for example, start with a question. By asking questions, you ensure that you have your colleagues’ attention.

    For an even stronger impact, give your audience a small assignment to convey or clarify a point from your presentation.

  2. Enrich your presentation with images

    A PowerPoint presentation doesn't have to be a boring collection of bullet points. Provide beautiful photos, interesting statistics, videos, and maybe even a gif here and there to loosen up the atmosphere. Check out GIPHY for some inspiration.

  3. Keep it short
    Nobody wants an online presentation that goes on for hours. Keep it short. Is there too much to cover? Try breaking up your presentation into parts and cover them on different days. If that’s not an option, include coffee breaks during your presentation.

Create effective presentations with Global Knowledge

These three tips are just the beginning. There's a lot more you can do to make your presentations interesting, engaging, and impactful.

Follow the training “Giving Persuasive Virtual Presentations”. This training only takes half a day (practice what you preach) and gives you the tools you need for a brilliant online presentation.


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