Achieve your goals faster with NLP | Skillsoft’s Global Knowledge Skip to main Content

Achieve your goals faster with NLP

Global Knowledge

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is all about personal effectiveness, is what you read in our training course descriptions. But what does this mean exactly? And what can you use NLP for?

What is NLP?

First things first - what is NLP?

NLP is short for Neuro-linguistic programming. NLP is about how we experience the world around us and how we react to what we experience.

In the seventies, scientists in the US came up with the ideas for NLP. In the beginning it's used as therapy. The people that came up with NLP researched what made people successful and what they did differently from people that couldn't achieve the same success. Even though NLP started as a form of therapy, the researchers started using NLP at organizations. Once this started happening, NLP slowly became the way we know it today.

It's all about success

NLP teaches you how to take on the skills of someone that's successful. You'll take on these skills by becoming aware of your own experiences and emotions - they can get in the way of your success sometimes. By discovering what's stopping you, you can then decide what help you need to achieve your goal. You learn how to deal with unwanted behavior, emotions and feelings and how you can turn something negative to you into something positive.

NLP makes communication easier, you'll get a better insight in your own behavior (and how you can be your own worst enemy at times), you'll feel more at ease and bit by bit, you'll become more successfull.

What do we means when we talk about personal effectiveness?

Personal effectiveness means to what extend you are able to achieve your goals. With NLP you can increase your personal effectiveness. This means it'll be easier for you to achieve your personal goals and you'll do it faster than before. You'll be able to do this because you're not your own worst enemy anymore.

What can you use NLP for?

After a NLP training course, you'll achieve goals more effectively. And you'll be able to help others - by gaining insight in your own behavior, it's easier to develop insight in the behavior of others.

Once you've done NLP, you'll also be able to recognize certain language blue prints. This will make giving a speech easier.

NLP-techniques are also suited for changing something you don't like that doesn't have anything to do with your job. Personal relationships will become better when using NLP. People might not be able to change, but by becoming aware of your own behavior, you can improve a relationship with someone else.

Which NLP training courses can you attend at Global Knowledge?

If you're new to NLP, you'll be able to attend the NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Basic training course at Global Knowledge. Get familiar with the basics of NLP in two days. You'll get insights in your own behavior patterns, but also in the behavior of others. This makes it easier to change behavior that bothers you into behavior that serves you.

Starting June 2nd you'll have limited opportunity to attend this training course in the classroom at Global Knowledge. Read more about this possibility on this page. Of course you can also attend this training course in our Virtual Classroom.

Need more information on the NLP Basic training course? Read all about it on the course page. You'll get there via the button below.

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