Apollo 13 Simulation Game | Skillsoft Global Knowledge Skip to main Content

APOLLO 13 Simulation Game

Many IT organizations are struggling to deliver quality services. Despite the massive investment in training, ITSM improvement initiatives are failing to deliver the hoped for value. The services are too unpredictable, unrepeatable, expensive and pose unacceptable business risks. The IT organization is still not Customer or Service focused. This simulation will help translate ITSM theory into practice, create buy-in and capture concrete improvement actions, helping to realize a customer focused culture and improve service quality.

This Apollo 13 Simulation Game will help:

  • Improve your ITSM performance
  • Increase Customer and Service Focus
  • Get more out your ITSM/ITIL training
  • Learn how improve Processes to realize demonstrated value and reduce business risk

 Do you recognize this?

With the growing importance of IT to all organizations ITSM is becoming a strategic capability. Many organizations have adopted and invested heavily in ITSM best practice frameworks such as ITIL. Many are struggling and are not achieving the hoped for value, worse still their lack of ITSM capabilities are presenting a risk to their business. Despite the massive investments in ITSM training and certification we still struggle to translate the theory into practice and translate the ITSM knowledge into results.

  • Duration of the simulation 1 day
  • Number of participants 8 – 12

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