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Introduction to Red Hat OpenShift Applications

  • Kursuskode DO101
  • Varighed 1 Dag


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A developer-focused introduction to OpenShift application building, deployment, scaling, and troubleshooting.

Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform is a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to accelerate and streamline application development, delivery, and deployment on-premise or in the cloud. As OpenShift and Kubernetes continue to become widely adopted, developers are increasingly required to understand how to develop, build, and deploy applications with a containerized application platform. While some developers are interested in managing the underlying infrastructure, most developers want to focus on developing applications and using OpenShift for its simple building, deployment, and scaling capabilities.

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This course is a low prerequisite on-ramp for OpenShift development. Many developers want to find ways to use OpenShift in their organization and have heard of its many benefits, but they lack the necessary skills or interest in approaching OpenShift from a low-level, bottom-up oriented approach. Most developers are instead focused on finding ways to write and deploy applications faster and easier. Students who are interested in learning more about the underlying OpenShift infrastructure and have strong RHCSA-level skills should instead start with Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180).

Kursets formål


As a result of attending this course, you should be able to deploy and update applications in an OpenShift 4 cluster. Using the OpenShift 4 web console, students will be able to build, deploy, troubleshoot, and scale applications.

Following completion of this course you will have the knowledge and experience to:

  • Manage application source code with Git
  • Develop applications with VSCode
  • Deploy an application to OpenShift
  • Update an application
  • Configure application secrets
  • Scale an application
  • Troubleshoot and fixing an application



Configure a Cloud Application Developer Environment

  • Configure a developer environment with a modern integrated developer environment and version control.

Deploy Applications to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

  • Deploy an application to OpenShift.

Configure Application builds in OpenShift

  • Manage application builds in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

Scale Applications in OpenShift

  • Scale and test an application with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

Troubleshoot Applications in OpenShift

  • Identify and resolve common problems in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform



Students should have a strong background in application development and object oriented programming.

Technology Requirements:

  • This course is a bring-your-own-device training.
  • You must be able to install software onto your device.
  • Internet access is required.

Mere information


Red Hat Learning Subscriptions:

The Red Hat Learning Subscription is an exclusive program that provides users with 12-months access to all Red Hat Online Learning and video classroom courses. All subscribers will receive unlimited access to online learning content, up to 400 hours of hands-on lab time and more than 300 recorded instructor videos.

There are two versions available: Basic and Standard. These are also available in an Enterprise variant for large companies. The Standard is the most extensive subscription and offers access to Red Hat exams as an extra.

For more information please see LS120 and LS220 below

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