Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE)

The Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) course is a technical deep-dive that provides extensive information on Veeam solutions.
The Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) course is a technical deep-dive that provides extensive information on Veeam solutions.
The VMCE certification is documented proof that an engineer possesses the necessary level of expertise to correctly implement and configure Veeam® Software solutions. It is a great investment for an IT professional looking to increase productivity, reduce operating costs, propel personal career advancement and achieve industry recognition.
Why get certified?
The VMCE certification gives Veeam experts knowledge that's highly sought-after for implementing Veeam solutions. As a VMCE, you can:
- Identify and resolve issues more efficiently
- Distinguish yourself from your peers
- Get more functionality out of Veeam solutions
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