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Kubernetes Application Essentials

  • Kursuskode CN120
  • Varighed 2 dage

Firma kursus Pris

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Whether your focus is on developing containerized applications or managing a container-centric infrastructure, CN120 introduces Kubernetes container orchestration for everyone involved in the software development life cycle. Through a real-world approach for design and deployment considerations, students can expect to learn about the foundational Kubernetes components required for application workloads. Specifically, students will examine Kubernetes architecture, explore how Kubernetes objects work together for running an application, and learn how Kubernetes makes use of compute, networking, and storage resources.


Med et firmakursus bliver jeres it-kompetenceudvikling målrettet jeres behov. Det betyder, at vi hjælper med at finde og sammensætte det helt rigtige kursusindhold og den helt rigtige form. Kurset kan afvikles hos os eller kunden, standard eller virtuelt.





This course is targeted at students with the following:

Motivations: General technical audiences & IT professionals

Roles: Architect basic applications for Kubernetes

Kursets formål

  • Make effective use of pod architecture
  • Deploy workloads as Kubernetes controllers
  • Provision configuration at runtime to Kubernetes workloads
  • Network pods together across a cluster using native services
  • Provision highly available storage to Kubernetes workloads
  • Package an application as a Helm chart


Lab Requirements
  • Laptop with WiFi connectivity
  • Attendees should have the latest Chrome or Firefox installed, and a free account at


  • Familiarity with the Bash shell
    • Filesystem navigation and manipulation
    • Command line text editors like vim or nano
    • Common tooling like curl, wget and ping
  • Familiarity with YAML and JSON notation
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