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VMware vSphere: Design

  • Code training VSD
  • Duur 3 dagen
  • Versie 8.0

Extra betaalopties

  • GTC’s 32 (incl. BTW)

    Global Training Credits: neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie

  • PSO Credits 27

Virtueel leren Prijs


(excl. BTW)

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  • Class Connect

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  • Klassikale training

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  • Op locatie klant

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  • Virtueel leren

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Naar boven

This three-day course equips you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to design a VMware vSphere 8 virtual infrastructure. You follow a proven approach to design a virtualization solution that ensures availability, manageability, performance, recoverability, and security. The approach presented follows VMware best practices. This course discusses the benefits and risks of available design alternatives and provides information to support making sound design decisions.

Product Alignment

    VMware ESXi 8.0

    VMware vCenter 8.0

Virtueel en Klassikaal™

Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.

    • Methode: Virtueel leren
    • Datum: 11-13 november, 2024
    • Locatie: Virtueel-en-klassikaal
    • Taal: Engels


    • Methode: Virtueel leren
    • Datum: 12-14 mei, 2025
    • Locatie: Virtueel-en-klassikaal
    • Taal: Engels


    • Methode: Virtueel leren
    • Datum: 10-12 november, 2025
    • Locatie: Virtueel-en-klassikaal
    • Taal: Engels



Naar boven

Individuals involved in the design of a vSphere solution


Naar boven

After completing this course you should be able to:

  • Create a vSphere design given a case study
  • Identify and assess the business objectives of the vSphere environment
  • Identify business requirements, constraints, assumptions, and risks, for all layers in the vSphere environment
  • Apply a framework to a design
  • Analyze design choices for vCenter, ESXi, storage, networking, vSphere clusters, and virtual machines
  • Identify design decisions to ensure manageability, which include scalability, capacity planning and lifecycle management
  • Identify design decisions to ensure that the vSphere environment is highly available
  • Identify design decisions to ensure that the vSphere environment performs well
  • Identify design decisions to ensure that the vSphere environment is secure
  • Identify design decisions to ensure that the vSphere environment can recover from data loss or disaster

Inhoud training

Naar boven

Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

Infrastructure Assessment

  • Describe various design framework principles
  • Follow a proven process to design a virtualization solution
  • Define customer business objectives and requirements
  • Use a systematic method to evaluate and document a conceptual model
  • Create a logical design from a conceptual model
  • Recognize key information contained in the physical design

Designing for Manageability: Capacity Planning

  • Make capacity planning design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design capacity planning strategies that meet the needs of the vSphere environment and follow VMware best practices
  • Calculate compute and storage requirements for the VMs in the vSphere environment

Designing for Manageability: Scalability

  • Make scalability design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design scalability strategies that meet the needs of the vSphere environment and follow VMware best practices

Designing for Manageability: Lifecycle Management

  • Make lifecycle management design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design lifecycle management strategies that meet the needs of the vSphere environment and follow VMware best practices

Designing for Availability

  • Make availability design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design availability strategies that meet the needs of the vSphere environment and follow VMware best practices

Designing for Performance

  • Make performance design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design performance strategies that meet the needs of the vSphere environment and follow VMware best practices

Designing for Security

  • Make security design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design security strategies that meet the needs of the vSphere environment and follow VMware best practices

Designing for Recoverability

  • Make recoverability design decisions that adhere to business requirements
  • Design recoverability strategies that meet the needs of the vSphere environment and follow VMware best practices


Naar boven

Attendees should meet the following prerequisities:

  • Completion of one of the following courses


Aanbevolen vereisten:

Recommended as preparation for the following exams:

  • 3VO - 21.23 - VMware vSphere 8.x Advanced Design - Required for VCAP-DCV-Design 2023 Certification
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