Certified DASA DevOps Product Owner (exam included)
- Code training DASADEV-PO
- Duur 2 dagen
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Klassikale training
Klassikaal leren
Op locatie klant
Op locatie klant
Virtueel leren
Virtueel leren
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Naar bovenData
Naar boven-
- Methode: Virtueel leren
- Datum: 03-04 februari, 2025
- Locatie: Virtueel-en-klassikaal
- Taal: Engels
- Methode: Klassikale training
- Datum: 07-08 augustus, 2025
- Locatie: Nieuwegein (Iepenhoeve 5)
- Methode: Virtueel leren
- Datum: 07-08 augustus, 2025
- Locatie: Virtueel-en-klassikaal
- Methode: Virtueel leren
- Datum: 03-04 november, 2025
- Locatie: Virtueel-en-klassikaal
- Taal: Engels
Naar bovenThe DASA DevOps Product Owner qualification is primarily aimed at:
- Existing Product Owners without certification
- Business Project Managers
- Business Executives
- Business Managers
- Business Information Managers
- Business Analysts
- Operations Managers
- Enterprise Architects
Naar bovenWhen you have acquired the required knowledge from this certification program, you will be able to:
- Understand the concepts of Agile and Scrum.
- Understand the Scrum framework including roles, events, the importance of backlog and the definition of done.
- Understand the role of Product Owner.
- Discuss the role and characteristics of the DevOps team.
- Explain the main competencies of the Product Owner.
- Describe what a Product Owner does in practice.
- Explain the Product Owner’s work.
- Discuss the importance of delivering value.
- Identify the Product Vision techniques.
- Discuss how to engage and influence stakeholders to maximize value.
- Outline various Agile estimation techniques used by Product Owners.
- Explain the role of Product Owner in managing Product Backlog.
- Discuss few challenging situations of a Product Owner.
Naar bovenExamen
Naar bovenThe DASA DevOps Product Owner exams are delivered by APMG and iSQI. One attempt is included in the course price.
Delivery: Online and Paper-based
Format: Closed-book format and Web-Based
Proctoring: Live/Webcam
Duration: 60 minutes, 15-minute additional time for non-native candidates
Number of questions: 40, simple multiple choice (MCQs)
Pass Grade: 65%
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- Certified DASA DevOps Product Owner (exam included)
- Agile and Scrum
- DASADEV-PO | Certified DASA DevOps Product Owner (exam included) | Training Course | DevOps.
- DevOps