Examen: EDF Certified Data Visualization Professional (VHEDFDATAVISF)
- Prijs: eur249.95
- Code training: VHEDFDATAVISF
TopThe vast amount of information, and data that is collected now a days, knows no limits. However to leverage this data, management and decision makers primarily have to visualize this data first. So that it’s interactable and readable.
The human brain is visually orientated, meaning that data that visualization can be a very powerful tool to analyze, interpret and share data more quickly. Enabling filter the hidden gems from within.
Organizations can by effective data visually quickly respond, identify and respond to changes. Such as in customer behavior, business processes or markets information.
This certification will qualify professionals, that they have mastered the needed skills to visualize data effectively. Making sure that important results will not escape your notice. Professionals have learned to apply data design principles directly.
Aanvullende informatie
Where can I find the syllabus?
See vwww.vhls.global
Where can I find an online demo exam?
See vwww.vhls.global
Who governs this certification?
The Effective Data Foundation
Is there training material available?
Where can I find a trainer?
Via our Education Partners
What are the relevant certifications levels?
Agile Practitioner Certificate
Agile Master Certificate
Which languages are available and where can I find these?
English after purchasing the exam you can still choose or alter your language before doing your exam.
Where can I find more information about the exam in general and related manners?
Exam instruction via www.vhls.global
TopThis certification includes:
- Data hands-on skills
- Choosing the appropriate visualisation form
- Easily read the data and draw the right conclusions.
- Software-independently skills
- Skills suitable for any tool (e.g. Cognos, PowerBI, SAS, Tableau or Excel)
- Insight in making user-friendly dashboard
- Skills to make data readable and comprehensible
- Enabling leaders and managers to make the right decisions
The certification guaranties certified professionals know:
Visual and Quantitative Thinking
- What is data visualisation
- How our brain process visual information
- Types of data do
- how best to visualize data
Visualising data effectively
- How to make data easy and understandable to read
- The basic principles and guidelines
- The main pitfalls in data visualisation
Building blocks of data visualizations
- Basic blocks of data visualisations
- When to use a table and when a graph
- Types of table/graph in a given situations
- Creating a composite visualisation,
- Management dashboard
Data process & Data storytelling
- Data visualisation process
- Data storytelling
- Arguing with data
- Making agreements within your organisation,
- Data visualization style guide.
TopExam specifications:
Number of questions: 60
Duration(minute) of exam: 60 min.
Pass Mark – X% (X marks): 65%
Open/Closed book: Open
Language: English
Paper based & online availability: Online exam
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