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Exam Vouchers: EDF Certified Data Literacy Professional (VHEDFDATALITF)

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The Certification Data Literacy Foundation ensures that professionals can cope and work with that. And understand how to leverage it strangest and understand it’s risks. 
Clear insights in the data-driven world.
We are daily confronted with immense amount of data.
Some claim that Data is the new Oil of our digital society. Regardless, all professionals will sooner or later have to deal with Data. Organizations are also challenged and confronted with this new world where there is a vast shortage of data literacy. Professionals who are able to read, interpret and transform data it into leverageable and valuable knowledge and insights. Which is crucial to make the right business decisions and enable organizations to adapt to customer preferences and demands and play into changes provided by the market

Further Information



Where can I find the syllabus?

Where can I find an online demo exam?

Who governs this certification?
The Effective Data Foundation

Is there training material available?

Where can I find a trainer? 
Via our Education Partners

What are the relevant certifications levels?

Agile Practitioner Certificate
Agile Master Certificate

Which languages are available and where can I find these?
English after purchasing the exam you can still choose or alter your language before doing your exam.

Where can I find more information about the exam in general and related manners?
Exam instruction via



Data literacy is the key competence that professionals need to master to successfully work with data. Certified professionals have mastered:

  • How to obtain value out of your data
  • How to correctly interpret data
  • How to recognize pitfalls of data.
  • Improve your data quality, constantly and maintainable.
  • Main means to toughly analyze data
  • Argue based on data driven insights.



Exam specifications:

Number of questions: 60
Duration(minute) of exam: 60 min.
Pass Mark – X% (X marks): 65%
Open/Closed book: Open
Language: English
Paper based & online availability: Online exam

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