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SMP/E for z/OS Workshop

  • Code training ES26G
  • Duur 5 dagen
  • Versie link.aspx
  • Taal Engels

Extra betaalopties

  • GTC’s 51 (incl. BTW)

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Virtueel leren Prijs


(excl. BTW)

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  • Klassikale training

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Naar boven

This course is designed to provide the SMP/E skills needed in the installation and maintenance of optional features and maintenance in the z/OS operating environment. You are taught to define the SMP/E database and invoke SMP/E to add, modify, or replace system elements. The course includes extensive hands-on labs using a current level of SMP/E.

You will get practical experience in the SMP/E tasks involved in installing a z/OS product. Emphasis is on interpreting results of SMP/E processing. SMP/E concepts examined in this course include modification control statements, the consolidated software inventory, zone structure, and error analysis. SMP/E commands such as RECEIVE, APPLY, ACCEPT, RESTORE, REPORT, and LIST are discussed.

You will also learn how to perform automated SMP/E delivery of z/OS and product maintenance over the Internet with an automated SMP/E process that downloads and installs IBM preventive and corrective service over the Internet

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Naar boven

This course is for system programmers with no prior SMP experience who plan to use SMP/E for system and subsystem maintenance and installation.


Naar boven
  • Describe how SMP/E is used as a tool for system maintenance
  • Interpret modification control statements in a sample SYSMOD
  • Create a consolidated software inventory database to support installation and maintenance requirements
  • Use the SMP/E dialogs to install a product and its related service
  • Manage exception SYSMOD data
  • Describe the use of the primary and secondary data sets required by SMP/E
  • Analyze output from SMP/E processing and resolve commonly encountered problems
  • Describe the use of the REPORT command to determine software dependencies between zones
  • Use the BUILDMCS process to create a function SYSMOD from an installed product and its service
  • Use the new SMP/E functions to install software service automatically over the internet
    • Implement support for communication server FTP client
    • Use the new RECEIVE ORDER command to order and install z/OS maintenance automatically over the Internet

Inhoud training

Naar boven

Please refer to Course Overview for description information.


Naar boven

Required Skills and Knowledge

  • Use basic JCL statements
  • Describe the use of the following z/OS utility programs: assembler, linkage editor, IEBCOPY, IEBUPDTE, and AMASPZAP
  • Identify the access method services commands and parameters used in creating a VSAM KSDS
  • Use ISPF/PDF panels

This knowledge and these skills can be acquired on the job or by completing one or more of the following education offerings:

  • Fundamental Practical System Skills in z/OS , (ES10GB) (ES10AGB)
  • z/OS VSAM and Access Method Services, (SS83) (H3840)

The students new to z/OS could benefit from attending z/OS Facilities (ES15) (ES150) for additional basic z/OS knowledge.

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