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Why all the buzz about containers – AWS, Google, and Azure

Global Knowledge


  • 19:00 GMT
  • 20:00 Central European Time
  • 21:00 Egypt Standard Time


In this presentation, we’ll cover the evolution from physical servers to VMs to containers and the driving factors behind this change. We’ll explain why containers are useful in an enterprise environment and why they are so popular with developers and administrators. In addition, we’ll list the available container solutions on AWS (Elastic Container Services – ECS, Elastic Kubernetes Services – EKS, and Fargate), GCP (Google Kubernetes Engine – GKE), and Azure (Azure Container Instances – ACI and Azure Kubernetes Service – AKS).

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Where it all began: physical servers
  • What are VMs? Why are they useful?
  • How is a container like a VM? Different from a VM?
  • Why are containers liked by developers? By administrators?
  • AWS Container Offerings
  • - Elastic Container Service (ECS)

    - Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

    - Fargate

  • Google Container Offerings
  • - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

  • Azure Container Offerings
  • - Azure Container Instances (ACI)

    - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

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