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What's New in vSphere 8?

Article | March 27, 2023

VMware vSphere 8 is the enterprise workload platform that brings the benefits of cloud to on-premises workloads. It supercharges performance with DPU and GPU based acceleration, enhances operational efficiency through the VMware Cloud Console, seamlessly integrates with add-on hybrid cloud services, and accelerates innovation with an enterprise-ready integrated Kubernetes runtime that runs containers alongside VMs.

What's New in Windows 10

Webinar – Recorded | Oct. 15, 2015

Whether you've already upgraded to Windows 10 or you're interested to learn more, this webinar will help familiarize you with the major updates and features. Join Microsoft instructor, John Panagakos, for an hour-long webinar that will dive into the exciting new features Windows 10 has to offer.

What’s an RFC and what can they do for me?

Article | Sep. 16, 2009

No matter what book or manual you use to study for the CCNA examination, you will see various protocols and processes referencing an RFC. And, although frequently referenced, the RFCs are seldom actually included in the documentation. So, the logical question becomes...

What’s the Difference between Video Conferencing and Telepresence?

Article | March 18, 2014

With the advent of video use in our everyday communications, a number of questions commonly surface. One of them is the question of terminology. What's the difference between video conferencing and telepresence? What is meant by immersive technologies? Frankly, there is no one single right answer.

What’s the Value of an AWS Certification?

Article | Feb. 03, 2015

It’s common knowledge that earning an AWS certification is a great way to qualify your experience in the eyes of your peers and employer and to increase your organization’s proficiency with AWS-based applications. However, there is another benefit that has not be quantified until now. Results from the 2015 IT Skills and Salary Survey conducted by Global Knowledge and Windows IT Pro revealed that the average pay of four AWS certifications exceeded $100,000. While there is no guarantee that a certification equals a six-figure salary, it certainly couldn’t hurt.

What Traffic Goes Into Each QoS Class?

Article | Jan. 25, 2013

This is another topic of heated debate, and it changes from network to network, but I found a simple approach that works in most cases. Since I have four queues and four classes of traffic, I need to categorize my important traffic into four classes. Strictly for explanation purposes I took some liberty in defining four categories of traffic that are very effective in both large and small networks. These classes are: Real Time Protocol (RTP), Network Management (NetMgt), Business Critical, and the Default.

When e-Learning Fails: Five Classic Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Webinar – Recorded | Oct. 02, 2014

Most of us have been involved with an e-Learning design project that has not delivered its intended impact. Across organizations, remarkably similar but preventable mistakes are made in the design and development of e-Learning that can frustrate learners, reduce effectiveness and ultimately impede success. Small missteps early in the design process can lead to costly problems in the development and implementation stages. This session will present 5 common mistakes e-Learning professionals make. For each mistake, evidence-based best practices will also be shared to help prevent their occurrence in the future. The evidence-based best practices can serve as a design guide for successful e-Learning projects of all types. Finally, approaches will also be discussed to help organizations integrate evidence-based best practices into their e-Learning design efforts.

When Learning Fails: Six Classic Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Webinar – Recorded | May 12, 2012

Everyone has been involved in a learning program or project that has not delivered its intended impact. Across organizations, remarkably similar but preventable missteps are made in needs identification, learning strategies, program development and implementation.  Instructor Tom Gram, Senior Director of Professional Services at Global Knowledge, will present six classic mistakes learning professionals make that reduce chances for success along with evidence-based practices to help prevent them. 

When a Friend "Sends" You Junk Email

Article | Dec. 09, 2014

One of the main weapons of organized crime on the Internet is the use of junk email, also called spam. Hackers use spam for a number of purposes such as selling counterfeit products (medicines, particularly) to steal your personal or financial information, or to infect your computer with spyware and malware. This malicious software can then hijack your computer and your Internet connection to help propagate itself.

When is a TCP SYN not a SYN?

Article | Oct. 07, 2013

Answer? When it is flagged as a retransmission in Wireshark!

Where Does Business Analysis Fit into TOGAF?

Webinar – Recorded | May 08, 2014

The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF) provides a structure for describing all transformational work within an enterprise. While TOGAF focuses on the role of an enterprise's architects, it also very much addresses the space in which business analysts (BAs) play. This can lead to role confusion, blurred deliverables, and duplicate work. In this one-hour webinar, business analysis expert and Global Knowledge instructor Adam McClellan will focus on those parts of TOGAF in which the business analyst is typically the most active, and he will outline how the analyst's work contributes to the broader architecture. He will also provide perspective for architects who work with BAs and for BAs interested in the architecture disciplines.

Where to Go Once Your Servers Are Virtualized

White Paper | March 20, 2014

The technologies examined reduce operational expenses (OpEx), not capital expenses (CapEx) that has traditionally been the focus of virtualization. Many companies implemented virtualization with the goal of saving money in the form of fewer servers to buy with a side benefit of reducing the footprint of the servers and lowering the required power and cooling. Most of the savings were in capital, but do not expect the same with many of the technologies listed here, because some may even require some additional capital expenditures, at least for software, in order to save on the day-to-day operations of IT. The bigger cost in running an IT department is in the OpEx category anyway, so savings there are recurring.

Where Did That 169.254.x.x IP Address Come From?

Article | March 22, 2010

In my last post, we learned that the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a computer networking protocol used by hosts, identified as DHCP clients, to retrieve IP address assignments and other configuration information. DHCP uses a client-server architectur...

Which AWS Certification Should I Choose?

Article | Jan. 18, 2024

Discover the top-paying and most popular AWS certifications from the IT Skills and Salary Report. Learn how to get certified and unlock IT career opportunities.

Which Business Analysis Class is Right for You?

Video | June 19, 2014

Kirsten Lora, Global Knowledge Senior Product Director, explains the difference between our Business Analysis Essentials course and Business Process Analysis course.

Which Red Hat course is right for you?

Article | Feb. 05, 2025

Red Hat offers a comprehensive solution through its Skills Assessment and Learning Subscriptions.

Which Is Easier to Configure: Cisco IOS or Juniper Junos?

Article | March 17, 2014

The short answer (and a common one in our industry): it depends. When comparing Cisco IOS with Juniper Junos, the decision to choose one over the other is difficult and often boils down to cost. Of course, there are other factors to consider.

Which ITIL Processes Relate to a Data Center Operations Group?

Article | Sep. 19, 2012

I recently responded to a message on LinkedIn from a regular reader of this blog. He asked several questions which I will answer over the course of several posts. As part of his first question, he described a strategy report that his group is producing. The audience for this strategy report considers ITIL important to the future of their business, and so he must describe which ITIL processes his data center operations group works most closely with.

Who Are Systems Administrators? A Job Outlook and Salary Profile

Article | July 28, 2021

Systems Administrators, or SysAdmins for short, are most often frontline IT staff who are problem-solvers, (metaphorical) fire extinguish-ers, and, simply, doers.

Why all the buzz about containers – AWS, Google, and Azure

Webinar – Recorded | March 09, 2020

This webinar covers the evolution from physical servers to VMs to containers and the driving factors behind this change. We explain why containers are useful in an enterprise environment and why they are so popular with developers and administrators. In addition, we list the available container solutions on AWS (Elastic Container Services – ECS, Elastic Kubernetes Services – EKS, and Fargate), GCP (Google Kubernetes Engine – GKE), and Azure (Azure Container Instances – ACI and Azure Kubernetes Service – AKS).   View the slide deck>

Why All the Buzz About Containers on AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure?

White Paper | March 02, 2020

Examine the evolution from physical servers to VMs to containers and the driving factors behind this change. Also review the available container management solutions on AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. 

Why Continuous Education for Cybersecurity Professionals is a Must

Article | Feb. 23, 2021

Cybersecurity is one of the most important fields of work in our world today. It’s an ever-changing discipline that requires ongoing education and adaptability, even for cybersecurity experts.

Why Initial and Ongoing Training are Solutions for IT Skills Gaps

Article | Dec. 07, 2018

As organizations struggle to balance budgets and prioritize training, skills gaps are growing—75% of North American decision-makers report existing skills shortages. And the impacts are potentially disastrous. With so much on the line, initial and ongoing training are instrumental to project and organizational success.

Why Instructor-Led Training is More Critical Than Ever in Our Distraction-Heavy World

Article | June 14, 2019

Instructor-led training (ILT) allows the student to attend a live class taught by a subject matter expert they can interact with. When you need to gain skills that provide a high benefit or pose a critical risk to your business, instructor-led training guarantees your highest chance of success.  

Why is CISSP a Top-Paying IT Certification?

Article | July 09, 2019

This year, CISSP-certified IT professionals have the third highest global salary ($116,573) and the 10th highest in North America ($123,815). This is nothing new—CISSP has ranked in the top 10 in the U.S. each year since 2015, even coming in first in 2018. CISSP is a top-paying certification year after year. But how has it remained so relevant and valuable?

Why is ITIL Important?

Video | Oct. 31, 2013

Michael Scarborough and Ryan Ballmer, co-authors of Global Knowledge ITIL courseware, discuss why ITIL is important to businesses.

Why It’s Critical to Apply the Risk Management Framework to Your IT Modernization Plan

Webinar – Recorded | Jan. 15, 2021

Watch this recorded webinar to understand the basics of the Risk Management Framework (prescribed by NIST Standards) and how to begin to apply it.  

Why It’s Critical to Use a VPN at Home, for Work, and on Mobile

Article | July 15, 2021

The use of public networks is risky. Whether wireless or wired, any public access Internet connection is putting you and your data at risk. It may be convenient to use a hotel, restaurant, or coffee shop Internet link, but the likelihood of attack or compromise is greater than accessing a private network.

Why Now Is the Right Time to Combine ITIL® 4 and Project Management

Article | May 09, 2019

For organizations with the willingness to get in shape and regain their corporate vitality, combining and aligning best practice frameworks is a sure way to achieve that goal. Admittedly, it takes work. Combining ITIL® 4 and project management should be high on your list.

Why Password Authentication Isn’t as Secure as You Might Think

Article | April 22, 2021

Hackers are everywhere, and they have a sophisticated array of tools for cracking your passwords. The primary purpose of this white paper is to help you understand that easy-to-remember passwords are no longer considered a secure form of authentication

Why Pentesting is Vital to the Modern DoD Workforce

Webinar – Recorded | Feb. 26, 2019

Watch this recorded webinar as CompTIA’s chief technology evangelist and Global Knowledge’s federal sales director discuss how pentesting has morphed.

Why You Should Care About Private Group Training

Article | March 11, 2020

The benefit of Private Group Training (PGT), particularly when it comes to high-priority or high-risk skills, is it gathers a group of like colleagues together in front of a subject matter expert. PGT, which can also be referred to as onsite training, coordinates the group, eliminating the disparity between co-worker skill sets.

Why Your Company Should Have a Risk Management Program

Webinar – Recorded | April 22, 2014

Does your company have a risk management program? In this hour-long webinar, cybersecurity expert and Global Knowledge instructor David Willson will explain why you should. In light of recent breaches at Target, Nieman Marcus, Michaels, Yahoo, and a growing list of others, we're learning that FBI Director Mueller was right when he said getting breached is not a matter of if, but when. While having a risk management program may not prevent a breach, it can certainly lower the risk of one, ensure compliance, and reduce or even eliminate your liability if a breach does occur, enabling you to recover quickly and to protect your reputation. Beyond explaining the importance of a risk management program, David will tell you how to implement one, including conducting a basic risk assessment, policies you'll need, and training your workforce.

Why Network Administrator is the Hot IT Job of the Future

Article | Aug. 23, 2013

Are you at a crossroads professionally or looking to start training for a new job? If so, you might want to consider pursuing network administration as a career. Network administrators are responsible for maintaining computer hardware and software systems that make up a computer network, including maintaining and monitoring active data networks, converged infrastructure networks, and related network equipment.

Why Spanning Tree Should Be Dead But Isn’t

Article | July 16, 2014

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is dead, or at least it should be. It’s too slow to converge when there’s a change, and it causes issues with performance because there is only one forwarding path. It was developed in 1985 by Radia Perlman at Digital Equipment Corporation to allow for redundant paths within a Layer 2 topology, which was great in 1985. In fact, it was huge! So much so, that it was later standardized by the IEEE as 802.1D, and we’ve been living with it ever since.

Why Upgrade to Windows Server 2016?

Article | Oct. 18, 2016

On September 26, 2016, Microsoft announced the general availability of Windows Server 2016. We already have a taste of what the user interface looks like from Windows 10. In actuality, there are a few other features that Windows 10 picked up first, such as PowerShell 5.0 and the latest version of Hyper-V, that are also part of Windows Server 2016. Many other heavy-hitting server-only features will be here soon.

Why You Should Consider a Career as a Computer Support Specialist

Article | Aug. 06, 2017

If you are considering career options or have been in the workforce a few years and are seeking a career change, you might want to consider training to become a computer support specialist.

Windows 7 Certification and Skills Learning Tracks

Video | Feb. 28, 2013

Chief Technical Architect Craig Brown discusses the Windows 7 certification and skills tracks available to Global Knowledge students.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Training

Video | July 01, 2014

In this video, Practice Leader Craig Brown discusses our exclusive Server 2008 course - Configuring, Managing, and Maintaining Server 2008 R2 (M6419). Specifically, the enhancements we've made to this course through Server 2008 R2 supplemental learning materials and custom hands-on labs that enable the student to utilize critical Server 2008 R2 functions after completing the course.