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Xamarin Introduction

  • Code training XAMIN
  • Duur 1 dag

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Naar boven

In this one-day-deep-dive you will be introduced to the technology of the Microsoft Xamarin platform. This course provides an introduction to Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Universal Windows Platform app development.

This course uses Microsoft Visual Studio community edition. It incorporates material from Xamarin University’s classes. 



Naar boven

If you haven't tried Xamarin yet, this is the moment to get started! Xamarin is a cross-platform framework that makes it possible to build mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows all together at once using C# and a shared codebase. 



Naar boven
  • TXWX101 - Getting Started with Xamarin
  • TXWA101 - Introduction to Xamarin.Android
  • TXWI101 - Introduction to Xamarin.iOS
  • TXWU101 Introduction to Universal Windows Platform


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Naar boven

TXWX101 - Getting Started with Xamarin

  • What is Xamarin?
  • How does Xamarin.Forms differ from Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS?
  • What code can I share across my apps?
  • Can I develop on Windows and macOS?

This course answers these questions and more. By the end of the course, you will be able to choose the Xamarin approach that is right for you. You will also set up your development machine and run an app on Windows, the iOS simulator, and an Android emulator.  

TXWA101 - Introduction to Xamarin.Android

The first step in becoming a Xamarin.Android developer is getting an app up and running. This course takes you through the entire development process. You will create a new project in Visual Studio, code the user interface and behavior for an Activity, build the project, and test it on an Android emulator. You'll also see how to keep your development environment up-to-date as new Android versions are released.  

TXWI101 - Introduction to Xamarin.iOS

The first step in becoming a Xamarin.iOS developer is getting an app up and running. This course takes you through the entire development process. You will create a new project in Visual Studio, code the user interface and behavior, build the project, and test it on an iPhone simulator. As you build your app, you will learn several iOS design patterns such as Model-View-Controller, protocols, and delegates.  

TXWU101 - Introduction to Universal Windows Platform

Build your first UWP app: create a project, choose your target platforms, define the UI, and implement behavior.



Naar boven

Experience as a C# developer.


No exam or available.


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