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  • Code training 8621
  • Duur 1 dag

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Extra betaalopties

  • GTC’s 9 (incl. BTW)

    Global Training Credits: neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie

Klassikale training Prijs

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Deze training is in de volgende formats beschikbaar:

  • Klassikale training

    Klassikaal leren

  • Op locatie klant

    Op locatie klant

  • Virtueel leren

    Virtueel leren

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Naar boven

The ability to delegate deliberately and effectively is critical to a leader's success. Delegating work helps team members apply their strengths, develop their weaknesses, and connect to their passions. Delegating work also allows the leader to focus on leading.

This course helps leaders define which tasks should be assigned to others and how to best delegate those tasks. You will learn to consider your team members' abilities and motivation, and you will learn a consistent framework for delegation that helps ensure required business results are achieved.

Benefits for the Individual

Enhanced ability to delegate work more effectively by:

  • Completing an assessment of a team member's ability and motivation to complete the work
  • Applying the right delegation style based on the team member's ability and motivation
  • Applying a framework to clearly state expectations related to a task
  • Assessing progress with sufficient detail and frequency according to the team member's ability and motivation
  • Identifying potential obstacles and strategies to overcome obstacles when assigning tasks
  • Using a four-step process to teach a new skill to team members who have never completed the task before

Benefits for the Organization

  • Increased likelihood of achieving organization's strategic goals
  • Improved ability to plan and utilize resources
  • Enhanced employee engagement
  • Improved capacity to lead a diverse workforce
  • Enhanced leadership capabilities to sustain an effective and efficient working climate


Naar boven

Leaders at all levels: vice presidents, directors, managers, supervisors, team leaders, and project managers


Naar boven

What You'll Learn:

  • The importance of effectively delegating work to others
  • Apply your knowledge of your team members to effectively delegate and follow up to ensure work is getting done


Naar boven

There are no prerequisites for this course.


Naar boven
  • Motivate for Full Engagement
  • Fundamentals of Communication
  • Fundamentals of Feedback
  • Performance Coaching
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