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TMAP®: Quality for cross functional teams - Inclusief Examen

  • Code training TESTTMAP
  • Duur 3 dagen

Extra betaalopties

  • GTC’s 20 (incl. BTW)

    Global Training Credits: neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie

Class Connect Prijs


(excl. BTW)

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In de IT-wereld van vandaag wordt van cross-functionele teams verwacht dat zij business value leveren met kwaliteit op snelheid. TMAP ondersteunt quality engineering in deze nieuwe manier van werken aan "built in quality" en gaat verder dan testen. Deze 3-daagse TMAP®: Quality for cross-functional teams training biedt de leden van het high-performance IT delivery team (zoals DevOps of Scrum) de benodigde kennis en vaardigheden om kwaliteit in te bouwen in een IT-systeem. Het helpt hen ook om de informatie te verstrekken die nodig is voor de stakeholders om hun vertrouwen te vestigen dat de nagestreefde bedrijfswaarde wordt geleverd. Gericht op de leden van DevOps en Scrum teams.

Dit is een 3-daagse cursus, inclusief een 1 uur durend examen (examenvoucher)

In the IT-world of today cross-functional teams are expected to deliver business value with quality at speed. TMAP supports quality engineering in this new way of working on “built in quality” and goes beyond testing. This 3-day TMAP: Quality for cross-functional teams training course offers the members of the high-performance IT delivery team (such as DevOps or Scrum) the required knowledge and skills to build quality into an IT-system. It also helps them to provide the information needed for the stakeholders to establish their confidence that the pursued business value is delivered. Focusing on the members of DevOps and Scrum teams.

This is a 3-days course, including a 1-hour exam (exam-voucher)

Class Connect™

Met Class Connect worden klaslokalen virtueel met elkaar verbonden. Class Connect biedt u de mogelijkheid om een training klassikaal op afstand bij te wonen in een Global Knowledge locatie bij u in de buurt. Een hoge kwaliteitsverbinding (HD audio en video) tussen de klaslokalen garandeert de cursisten een maximale interactie met de docent en met elkaar. Samen met uw medecursisten ziet u de docent en de andere cursisten op een groot scherm alsof u er zelf bijzit.


Naar boven

This training course is for all people working in or with high-performance IT delivery teams (such as DevOps and Scrum). Relevant roles include business analysts, product owners, developers, operations people, quality engineers, testers, users, scrum masters, agile coaches, release train engineers, etc.



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Inhoud training

Naar boven

During this training course the participants (that typically are a member of a cross-functional team in any role) will get knowledge and practical experience with the following QA & testing subjects:

  • The VOICE model for achieving business value by IT delivery
  • IT delivery models, especially DevOps
  • Cross-functional teams and continuous quality engineering
  • The whole-team approach and relevance for Dev and Ops people
  • QA & testing topics such as: Reviewing and pull-requests and Continuous improvement and metrics
  • Continuous everything, test automation and CI/CD pipeline
  • Total cost of quality
  • Indicators, reporting and alerting
  • Quality measures
  • Personal, interpersonal and team skills
  • Test varieties (perfomance -, usability -, security testing and more)
  • Experience-based testing: exploratory testing and mob testing
  • Test design: boundary value analysis, path coverage, condition oriented testing, code coverage and mutation testing

The training course lets participants get experience on these subjects through short introductions followed by relevant exercises and leaves ample room for sharing experiences by all participants. During the course the participants will also practice exam questions.


Naar boven

For this training course basic knowledge of information technology, working in teams and an Agile way of working is required. There are no specific certifications required.

Examvoucher ; 1-hour exam with 30 questions, “TMAP: Quality for cross-functional teams”. The exam is provided by the independent exam provider iSQI


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