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Develop Generative AI Solutions with Azure OpenAI Service (AI-050)

  • Código del Curso M-AI050
  • Duración 1 Día

Otros Métodos de Impartición

Aprendizaje Virtual Precio


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Este curso está disponible en los siguientes formatos:

  • Clase de calendario

    Aprendizaje tradicional en el aula

  • Aprendizaje Virtual

    Aprendizaje virtual

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Azure OpenAI Service provides access to OpenAI's powerful large language models such as GPT; the model behind the popular ChatGPT service. These models enable various natural language processing (NLP) solutions to understand, converse, and generate content. Users can access the service through REST APIs, SDKs, and Azure OpenAI Studio. In this course, you'll learn how to provision Azure OpenAI service, deploy models, and use them in generative AI applications.

Virtual Learning

This interactive training can be taken from any location, your office or home and is delivered by a trainer. This training does not have any delegates in the class with the instructor, since all delegates are virtually connected. Virtual delegates do not travel to this course, Global Knowledge will send you all the information needed before the start of the course and you can test the logins.


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The audience for this course includes software developers and data scientists who need to use large language models for generative AI. Some programming experience is recommended, but the course will be valuable to anyone seeking to understand how the Azure OpenAI service can be used to implement generative AI solutions.

Job role: AI Engineer, Data Scientist

MODULE: Get started with Azure OpenAI Service

  • Create an Azure OpenAI Service resource and understand types of Azure OpenAI base models.
  • Use the Azure OpenAI Studio, console, or REST API to deploy a base model and test it in the Studio's playgrounds.
  • Generate completions to prompts and begin to manage model parameters.

MODULE: Apply prompt engineering with Azure OpenAI Service

  • Understand the concept of prompt engineering and its role in optimizing Azure OpenAI models' performance.
  • Know how to design and optimize prompts to better utilize AI models.
  • Include clear instructions, request output composition, and use contextual content to improve the quality of the model's responses.


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Before starting this learning path, you should already have:

Familiarity with Azure and the Azure portal.

Experience programming with C# or Python. If you have no previous programming experience, we recommend you complete the Take your first steps with C# or Take your first steps with Python learning path before taking this course.

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